Chapter 5

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This is where things are about to begin!...
Harry Styles

The first day of practice was easy as there were only 3 scenes and I only had one where I had to gossip like girls about the men who were coming to woo me and let me tell you the truth, I felt really, really uncomfortable. We were also made to were our costumes because we needed to make sure how we walk in those fancy but heavy costumes.

It hardly took two days for Act 1 and we begin with Act 2. There were 3 scenes; scene 1, 7 and 9 for me. Although 1 and 7 are similar, like I had to play that scenes with a guy named Brian and it was just the two of us. These Act took 5 days and almost a week was over.

I never really known you have to come on Sundays for practice too. We had to shorten Act 2 because it had nearly 10 scenes. Pfft... I was already tired of this. Then finally Act 3 begun and I could feel a shock shiver down my spine because this was the part where Bassanio, that is Louis, will pick one of the 3 caskets and of course he was told already which one it was, the lead box.

As soon as he chose it, I was about to jump in happiness although it wasn't the part of the script, so I had to control my emotions. After the practice ended, we went to the backstage as usual.

I could feel a hand grabbing my wrist from no one in sight and caught sight of the person who was pulling me as if we were in a hurry. We entered a room which was dimly lit and I supposed it was some sort of dressing room.
I saw Louis behind me closing the door and walking towards me. A feel of lust filled throughout my body and it felt like it was about to burst. He stepped closer to me, so close our noses brushed against each other. He started touching my forearm up and down with his left hand, keeping us in motion until my back hit against the wall. He kept his right hand beside my head on the wall, still moving his left hand. He looked into my eyes with his sapphire blue eyes and said softly, "You look better as a man...". I kept my eyes shut, and he was leaning closer and about to kiss me, when I heard a voice in my head calling out my name.

I opened my eyes and shook my head a little, realising I blacked out. I widened my eyes in embarrassment while the others looked at me with a confused look, including Louis. I saw everyone out of their costumes, except mine. My cheeks went red within seconds and started pulling off the costume as fast as possible.

I picked up my bag pack and walked my pace out of the auditorium. Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Chloe and Mary caught up with me. Niall asked, "Why were you in your fancy costume? Was it too beautiful that you wanted to keep it?" He laughed slightly by the comment he made but the rest didn't laugh. I nervously said, "I was blacked out at the moment. Why will I ever wear a female's clothing?"

He nodded as we exited the building. We parted our ways home while me and Louis walk together as our houses were on the same street. I took this opportunity to ask him but nervousness in my voice, "Is it true you are gay?" He laughed as if it was a joke and said, "Did Niall told you? If so, he probably told you that I'm really open about it and whatsoever. But my answer is no, I'm straight."

I nodded as I reached home and said goodbye as I walked towards my house door.

Didn't expected that, right?  The only fantasy I could imagine, and also, I had to read the summary to know what happened in the play. Next chapter will be based on Louis' pov... let's see what happens!

Meet Me in the Hallway // L.S.Where stories live. Discover now