Chapter 12

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Harry Styles

I felt happy because this is gonna be a fantastic play and this time, I was the main character, Sherlock Holmes himself and my companion, Watson, was Liam. The guilty were Niall and Zayn and the rest were suspects. The story was the 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' and to be honest, this was the easiest and my favourite case from the book. We got dressed in our costumes and the thought I found funny was that Brian was the hound.

The practice begins and within the few minutes, my legs start hurting from walking continuously and only taking short breaks. Liam felt that too but we had to bear it for the play. Our practice was done in one day.

After we were done, we walked out of the building but my legs are now feeling numb. Louis asked me, "Are you alright? You look like you are unable to walk after that thing." I nodded, not wanting to hurt myself walking by saying I was fine, so I took support of him. For the next few minutes, we walked, my arm hanging over his shoulder as he wraps his arm around mine. We didn't spoke a word, maintaining an awkward silence between us.

We finally reached my home and he helped me walk towards the door. I opened and my mom showed up and she sighed in worry, "What happen to you?" I said with a bit tiredness in my voice, "It was just the school play. My legs started hurting because I had to walk from one corner to another only with short breaks." She then looked at Louis and said, "Thanks for your help, Louis." "Your welcome!", Louis said with a smile.

He hand me over to my mom and she closed the door behind us, walking straight towards my room and carefully putting me on the bed with my legs stretched out. "You'll be fine if you lay on your bed for few minutes." I nodded and she walked out of my room. I grab my phone from my pocket and went through my socials. Nothing new was there, only the party talks. I kept my phone on the table beside my bed and stare at the ceiling.

Harry got the main role but his legs hurt... Ouch! What do you think the ending might be? A happy one or a sad one? Comment your opinion.

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