Chapter 1

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Harry Styles

It is my first day in the new high school. I went too early with my sister because we had to go to the principal's office. I was a freshman and my sister was a sophomore. It was 7 in the morning when we reached our new school. The first thing I saw was the school's name written in bold... 'KATHERINE HIGH SCHOOL'.

Me and my sister walk down the empty hallway and straight towards the office.

My sister whispers to me before we enter the office, "If the principal asks you some questions, be brave enough to answer them rather than standing still with your head down in shy." I roll my eyes and answer, "Ok I know that. You don't need to tell me all the time."

We enter the office and see the principal busy with some paperwork on his desk. He snaps his head up to see us and asked, "Are you the new students?" My sister, Gemma, answers YES. He then invited us to sit on the two chairs across his desk and goes through some papers which look like application forms. He then quickly picks mine and Gemma's and puts on his reading glasses to read. He looks at the wall clock and notices that school was about to begin. He then lends me and my sister a piece of paper, which was probably the locker number and the class schedule. He says, "You guys should go now. School is just about to begin in 30 minutes." We answered OK simultaneously and walk out the office.

Gemma encourages me, "You should make some new friends here. It'll help you know the school better." I quickly say, " I know the facts. You don't need to tell me what I'm supposed to do. I'm used to it." We part our ways to our floors and into the hallway.

I quickly look for my locker with a pissed off look on my face after what my sister said to me. I didn't look anywhere but only at the numbers.

As soon as I found mine, I quickly open it. I soon heard a voice saying "OUCH!" and closed the door to see if anybody was beside me.

I peek one of my eyes to see who it was and I see a guy rubbing the side of his head where I supposed was the part that hit the door. I stutter a bit while apologising thinking that maybe he'll hit me back. He says, "It's ok. I'm fine." He then turns his head to face mine and I see a pair of sparkling blue eyes staring at me. He says, "Hi. I guess you are a new student here. Anyways, I'm Louis." I hesitantly say, "I- I'm Harry. And yes, I- I'm the newbie here."

I guess it's going pretty well for Harry to meet Louis like this.
But anyways, let's proceed to what happens to him in his 'actual' first day...

Meet Me in the Hallway // L.S.Where stories live. Discover now