Chapter 4

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Harry Styles

The next morning, I woke up and took a shower, refreshing myself as I was half asleep. I dressed up in a long sleeve green T-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and walked downstairs to eat my breakfast, which my mom made before she left for work. After eating, I along with Gemma walked out of the house, my sister making sure we lock the door properly and started walking.

We reached school and as always, we parted ways to our floors. I walk towards my locker, seeing Louis standing there putting his stuff inside with some books in his hands. I said a "HI" with a smile on my face, him replying back. I put my stuff in the locker and take my books, jogging next to Louis to walk with him. I felt a bit awkward as we walk silently without saying anything and looking at our footsteps, until we met the others.

We talked for a while before the bell rang and started walking to our classes, me walking with Niall towards our math class. I asked him almost in a whisper, "You said Louis was gay... but how come his parents don't know about it?". He is quick to answer, "He never talked about it. He skips this question every time someone asks him. None of us know exactly why." I nodded and enter the class, sitting in our usual seats.

Mr. Brown enters the class and tells "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE" and immediately instructs us to do our usual solving and hand him the notebooks before we leave the class for our grades. It was algebra which I'm pretty good at it and even helped Niall with the sums he didn't understand. The bell rings and we got up, keeping our notebooks on Mr. Brown's desk and leave. The day goes by and now it's drama class, as school ended.

The play which we were performing was 'The Merchant of Venice', which is in fact one of my favourite plays back when I used to go to the theatre. Ms. Wilson starts appointing everyone their role. Zayn was Antonio, Liam was Gratiano, Niall was Lorenzo, Louis was Bassanio, Chloe was Nerissa, Mary was Jessica and others were too. I was the last one left for the role play and the teacher pointed at me, saying I'm Portia. What the fuck! I felt a little bit confused at the fact I was playing a girl's role for a play. I know I'm getting a chance for being really close to Louis since in the play, Bassanio loves Portia, but it really made me sick. I asked her with a shocked face, " Why am I Portia?". Ms. Wilson said, "You're voice sounds like a girl and also all the girls have been given a role. You were the only one left." Wow. I can't believe she said my voice sounds like a girl and I could clearly hear the light laughs from behind.

I remembered there are around 5 acts and more than 20 scenes combined in this play. Where the hell have I stuck myself into? I'm not used to practice for 3 hours straight with the fact that the dialogues are not perfect English but the old one. It'll break my teeth trying to saying biblical lines all the time. I know that there are only few scenes which Portia plays but she has one of the longest dialogues in this entire play.

Ms. Wilson claps to get our attention and tells, "The play is really long and has old English texts. There will be 5 days for each play in the theatre and we only have 2 weeks for practice. Hurry up lads!"

I'm shocked by the fact we only have 2 weeks?! Gosh, I rather say I'm leaving than I'm doing it. But also I cannot leave because my friends are here.

My head is filled with thoughts like "what if my mom and sister sees me on stage dressed as a girl", "I'm gonna walk in those fancy gowns", "I'm gonna perform not in school but in an actual theatre". But the thing I keep smiling at is that I get to be close to Louis although the teacher won't let us kiss on stage! Of course, everybody will find it weird.

That was pretty intense I suppose. But here's where Larry is about to come alive soon. (And yes, I've the play for my literature in school. That's why I even know the characters of the play.)

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