Chapter 25

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Louis Tomlinson

It's 2 am and I tip toe through the hallway and grabbed the railing of the stairs to jump off it, silently landing on my feet. I didn't had a bag so I had to steal one from Niall. I grabbed the door handle and silently turned it to unlock the door. I step out and shut the door silently.

I started running towards Harry's closed window. I noticed it had wooden planks nailed on it. I looked around and saw a flat iron with one of its end curled. Who the fuck throws such dangerous things in their backyards? I picked it up and put it in my bag and climbed up the tree near his window.

I finally reached his window and pull out the iron to remove the nails. It was much harder than I thought but I know I had to get him out from this house. I pulled out all the nails and placed the planks on the grass separately so that none of them crashes and make noise.

I saw Harry sitting on the bed then quickly getting up to open the window. He hugged me tightly as if we were meeting after years. Without saying anything, I pulled him out of the window carefully and silently. I told him to step a foot on branch and the another on the roof. I grabbed his arm as he slowly slide down to the edge, and carefully jumped off the roof and I also jumped off the tree.

Standing on our feet, we brush off the dirt and grass stick to our clothes and start running down the street. It feels so romantic when you and your partner run down a street in night when the street lights are on. I grab his hand guiding him where we were going.

I had the biggest smile on my face as I know he'll be really happy if I told him where we're going. We were finally in the city and grabbed a taxi. Harry asked me with a confused look, "So, where are you taking me? Are we gonna live like this forever?" I said, "You'll see. Just wait." I peck his cheek as we go to where we're supposed to go.

We reach our destination and he looked at me and said, "Why are we in the airport? I mean, I do have my ID and passport but where are we going?" I said, "We're going Stockholm..."

It's romantic, isn't it? But how did bought the tickets? Keep reading!

Meet Me in the Hallway // L.S.Where stories live. Discover now