I walk out of her room to mine.

'Asalaam alaikum beautiful.'

'Waalaikum Asalaam, Youssef what happened to your face?' I was shocked. He had a wound on his forehead.

'Training injury. I'm fine.'

'Please please take care of that handsome face.'

'It will fade in a few weeks. Don't worry I'll be back with my great looks soon wifey.'

'You better. How is it there?'

'It's freezing but I'll be fine,  in no time I'll be back.'

Well he was coming back the day after tomorrow at 5am.

I hear a knock on the door on his side.

'Wait a second.' Youssef tells me.

'Who is it?' He asks.

'It's NOAH.'

I choke. My eyes pop out. I cough it out. I couldn't control my expression and Youssef caught it. Oh no! Why did I react to that.

'Get in.'
Youssef talks to him for less than a minute and I hear the door shut then he turns to me.

'What was that about?'

I clear my throat. 'What?'

'Noah. You were shocked. Do you know him?'

'He's your teammate.'

'Yes but you've never reacted that way to any of my teammates.'

'I don't know him, know him.'

'Oh so you do know him.'

Okay if you know Youssef he was not letting that go.

'Please don't do anything with whatever I'm about to say.' Youssef please don't let me regret it.

He looks at me waiting for me to go on.

'Saffiyya likes him and they are/were "friends".'

'Huh?' Youssef is totally confused.


'And you know about it? What do you mean friends? Are you supporting that? Her free-mixing?'

I roll my eyes.

'Of course not. We just had that conversation and she regrets it. There is nothing going on. He was just 'interested' in her.'

'Oh there better not be.'

'Why? How's he like?'

'I don't know. Deen for starters. There can't be a valid nikkah there, if that was the plan.'

'Of course I know that. I think they talked about that. I just mean his manners.'

'I don't know really. He seems like a good kid. He's respectful and funny, works hard. I don't know him out of work.'

Footballer's hijabi wife Where stories live. Discover now