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"What?" Naida chuckled, thinking maybe she was talking to the fish.

A huge wave of water hit Naida out of nowhere and sent her head over heels backwards, but before she could even try to regain her balance, the water pulled at her arms, pushed on her back, and sent her tumbling every which way, making her unable to see what was going on. Then another huge wave hit her, this one a little more gentle than the last, but sent her even further away from Ocean.

If she wants to fight, why is she pushing me away? Naida thought in distress, as the water seemed at war with itself. As she was dragged backwards, currents pulled at her limbs and hair, trying to pull her back.

Large arms wrapped around Naida's torso, and instantly, all currents stopped and the water stood still. "You're safe now, Naida." Shark murmured into her hair.

"We found you!" Lionfish cheered as he pulled walls of coral out of the sand and formed a protective shelter around them.

"Naida! I'm so so so sorry!" Ray cried and pulled her from Shark's arms and into his. "I tried to protect you, I really tried, but it wasn't enough." He sobbed into the crook of her neck and hugged her tight, as if he might lose her again.

"Guys, guys! I'm so glad to see you! How did you find me?" Naida gasped, looking at them with awe.

Krait was in the front, peering intently out a window Lionfish had left in the design. "This won't hold her off for long at all!" He cried fearfully.

Ray released her from his death grip and fingered a lock of her hair, it had a small shell stuck in a kink. "I followed this. It was really really hard to keep track of it's signature, because of its size, but I buckled down and focused on you. Oh Naida, I don't know what I would've done if we had gotten here any later." He buried his face in her again, and she gave him a squeeze, letting him know she was alright.

"Thank you so much." She murmured. "I handled myself until you arrived." She boasted teasingly.

"Yeah, I noticed that. Naida, since when can you control water?" Shark inquired, resting a hand on her shoulder. She broke apart from Ray and turned around to look at him. How had she forgotten how much excessively taller he was than her? He had at least two and a half heads on her.

"So that's what that was earlier! I told you it wasn't a random current!" Lionfish sneered at Shark and poked him.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now