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For a moment she thought her dream was replaying because of the howling in her ears and the biting cold against her skin, but after opening her eyes, she was obviously underwater.

My gifts should've worn off by now, yet, I can see, hear, and breathe just fine. Naida observed. She looked down at her tail to see if it was still there but it was blocked by the body of a female on top of her, holding her tightly so they were facing each other. However, she could feel that instead of one long limb, her tail had reverted back to legs.

The female, though Naida was unsure if they were a mermaid or siren, looked down and gave Naida a big smile. "Oh, you're awake! Earlier than I thought and hoped, but hey, that's alright, now I have someone to chat with! Ugh, it's so boring just swimming for miles without saying a word! I almost started talking to myself!" She laughed.

"I'm sorry, but who are you? And what happened to the mermen who were with me?" Naida asked, shouting over the rush of the water.

"Ah, yes, I'm Mana, servant of the Ocean. And don't worry, they're safe and tearing up the ocean looking for you, they're not going to find you though." She replied cheerfully, ending with a laugh as if there was nothing wrong with what she just said.

"The Ocean said you're bringing me to her, but, I don't see any Heart Of The Sea. What does it look like anyway?" Naida asked, looking around but seeing nothing but open ocean.

"You'll know we're there when you feel it."

"Feel what?"

"Any second now..."

Naida waited, and sure enough, she certainly felt something. It was as if they had passed through an invisible wall and on the other side, the water was ten degrees warmer. The water no longer chilled her skin and it actually felt really nice.

Then she noticed that in the distance was a massive spherical structure covered completely in rocky outcroppings, sandstone, and coral. Swarming the structure like a beehive were countless animals of all species, massing together as if called towards the strange formation.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now