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"We all make mistakes, Naida. Sometimes a mistake in one person's eyes was a necessary action in the others; it's all about perspective. However, forgive and forget doesn't always cut it, does it? No, sometimes we just have to come to terms that we'll never see eye to eye with someone and just have to move on with life. Things change, and though change can be hard, at times it's necessary.

"W-what I'm trying to say." Krait took a deep breath and pulled his head back, and guiding her chin with his hand, moved her head so he could look into her eyes. "I don't agree with your choice to banish Mako, but I understand why you did it. I hope that through this act of taking something from us, you give us something in return." He beseeched, brushing her literally flowing locks out of her face.

Her heart was screaming at her. Why did she do it? But her brain only argued back. For her own safety. Krait was right, if she was going to cause them such trouble, the least she could do was treat them right. Treat them how they want to be treated.

"You're right." Naida resolved. She leaned in, her breathing slowing and her heart accelerating. She knew what she was going to, she knew that the other brothers were watching, but at this point, that didn't matter. She couldn't turn back now.

Before she could talk herself out of it, she planted a kiss on Krait's lips, let it linger for a second, then pulled away. Krait's breath stopped from the shock, but his heart was going into overdrive, pumping all his blood into his face. His mouth opened and closed a few times, then he touched a couple of fingers to his slightly parted lips. His gaze hadn't left hers the whole time.

"Naida?" Lionfish trembled, his voice weak.

Naida's face turned red when she turned to the others and she hesitated to look at their reactions. Slowly, one by one, she looked at their faces.

Lionfish looked defeated and on the fence between crying and yelling. Ray looked surprised and almost, betrayed. Shark's face was completely blank, not letting any emotion give away what he was feeling.

"I promised myself I'd change, and like Krait said, I took something very precious from you, so in return, I'm going to give you something precious to me. A while ago, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't fall in love for personal reasons, that's why I always treated you guys so coldly when you wanted to show any affection to me. Well that old me is gone, and I'm breaking that promise. I tried my best to stay true to my word, but not only do you guys deserve better, I must admit, it's becoming hard to hold back my true feelings. It's in a girl's instincts to fall for hot guys!" She ended with a forced laugh and wrung her hands.

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