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"That's fantastic, Naida." Lionfish beamed and pulled his wandering eyes from her chest. "So I guess that mean's you'll need swimming lessons. I'm in." He gave her a thumbs up and she nodded with a smile, doing the same.

Ray was next, and she did the same thing as the last two, except Ray didn't respond to her knock. "Ray?" She called, then cleared her throat, her time was running out. "Ray, time to wake up." She called again and knocked harder.

"Are you sure?" She heard him whine groggily from the other side.

Naida scoffed and shook her head. "Yes, your door is unlocked, meet us in the main room." She told him and he groaned an incoherent response.

The next room was Mako's. Naida hesitated in front of it, guilt looming over her like a shadow. "I can feel bad without feeling sorry." She reassured herself and moved on. Though she was going to change, she wasn't going to live with a siren, she wasn't going to risk her life like that.

"Krait, uh, i-it's time to get up." She wasn't sure she completely trusted him right now. Sure, he had just expelled a lot of built-up magic through giving her his gift, but she didn't know if he was safe to be around yet. She unlocked his door, and before leaving she added, "Your door's unlocked, meet us in the main room for so I can get my gifts then we can go get breakfast."

She went to the main room and found Lionfish and Shark already there, chatting, and Ray arrived a few seconds after her, though a few minutes passed and Krait still didn't show up.

"I'll go get him. He's probably just sleeping in." Lionfish jeered and went to his room.

Naida looked over at Ray and giggled, his longish dirty blond hair was a mess of tangles and knots. "You'd think for a guy who loves to do my hair, yours would look better. Rough night?" She teased.

"Give me a break, I just woke up." He groaned and attempted to run a hand through his hair, but it was too kinked and messy. "And we gave you a mirror for a reason, you're telling me you didn't look in it before you came out of your room? Your hair isn't much better." He quipped back.

"Tch." She rolled her eyes and her playful smile widened when she realized he was right, she could hardly run her hand smoothly through her hair without having to detangle a knot.

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