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A small current swept Naida's feet out from under her and she sprawled around in the water for a little before she regained control, however, she was now upside down.

"How am I supposed to do that if I have no idea how to?" Naida groaned and attempted to push water at Ocean, but it did nothing. What had she been doing when she used her magic against Lionfish? Hand gestures? Was there a certain gesture she needed to make? "Can you teach me? I don't have the instincts of a magic being, I suppose." Naida admitted, hating the feeling of bowing down to Ocean, even if she was superior, she acted like it in all the wrong ways.

"I guess I should've expected that, now, pay attention." Ocean swam up beside Naida and stretched out her hand, fingertips up and palm out. Then she quickly made a motion that Nadia didn't catch, but she felt the eddies of water that were pushed out of the way of the water that was shot.

"Um, maybe a little slower?"

"Ugh, humans are such slow learners." She put her hand how it was before, curled in her ring and middle finger, and made a wave motion with her hand, uncurling her fingers when her hand dipped down. Again the force of water shot forth from her hand. "And that's just a simple one. The one you did to Lionfish must've been something like this." She waved her hand downward but with a dramatic wrist flick and twitch of her fingers. Water was shot from her hand much more forcibly this time and actually sent a strong ripple back when it hit the cavern wall.

"I don't remember doing it like that, but I guess that's what happened." Naida murmured, pondering how she had managed to use her powers without even knowing she had any. "So, like this?" She attempted the more powerful of the motions first, mimicking Ocean's movements. Water was forced out, but not as powerful as when Ocean had done it.

"We'll keep working on water control today, but for now, are you hungry?" Ocean smiled sweetly and snapped her fingers, then swirled her pointer finger around twice, which sent a strange feeling through the water, like an echo she couldn't hear.

"I- uh, I am, thank you." Truth was, Naida was starving, but was too terrified of what Ocean would do or say if she brought it up. "But, you said we'll work on water control today, how long am I going to be here?"

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt