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Deep down Naida knew it didn't matter what she said, they would still be jealous and angry, but she was willing to make up for it. Forget about them pleasing her, after what she's done, it'll probably be her pleasing them for a while. However, the part of her heart she had locked away behind the promise to never fall in love, was okay with that.


The swim to the reef, gathering ingredients, making, and eating the food was all done in almost complete silence; nobody knew what to say! When everyone had finished their meal, Naida finally built up the courage to speak again.

"Why don't we go to Sunken Bay? It's pretty cool there, and, I'd be more than willing to explain and... and make up for... for everything." She hid her burning face in her hands, thoroughly embarrassed, but also kinda, exited.

"Oh yeah, you owe quite the explanation. Though, I'd prefer a piece of the action more." Lionfish purred, winking at her. She was glad he was more intrigued than he was offended, though she wasn't sure how she was going to handle this sudden influx of romance. Maybe, in the end, it'll help her ger her mind off of all her mistakes.

What could a bit- no, a lot, of romance hurt? Especially if nobody can even see who she's with? In for a penny, in for a pound.

"You know what, sure. I've made you guys wait for this long, it's about time you got the action I know you've been dying for. That's pretty much the reason I, I kissed Krait... and Ray." She confessed, looking away. Though she was embarrassed, she couldn't suppress the small smile creeping onto her lips. She liked this feeling of power over them and freedom from her past self.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Sunken Bay awaits!" Lionfish whooped and charged ahead with the most enthusiastic and childish smile Naida had ever seen.

One by one, the brothers quickly followed after him, and since Naida hadn't yet mastered using her tail, Shark carried her, per the norm. To make it easier and more streamlined as they swam, Naida had her arms wrapped around Shark's neck and her tail up against his. This also helped her practice the motions, without actually swimming.

"Are you okay?" Shark asked as they swam. "Is this really you, Naida? This is really strange of you to act this way all of the sudden. Ever since you got back from visiting your friends you haven't been the same." He hoisted her up a little in his arms and gave her a concerned look.

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