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The ocean was the source of the magic that beings such as sirens and merfolk possessed, and the moon fueled the bottomless magic for the ocean to distribute, so it only made sense that the ocean's creations would be their most powerful and wild on a full moon, when the night was brimming with magic. The moon at its fullest, the ocean stirring with power, and the creatures in it grew restless, for they all felt the shift in the balance of primal magic that particular night. A forgotten force had just been awakened.


Naida's limbs were growing heavy from the execution of all the trending she had to do to stay above the water, but if she sunk below, she would surely drown. She had kept her focus on Mako and Lanai as she slowly paddled backward and dread added onto the weight dragging her down when she saw the two sirens turn around and see that she was attempting to escape.

"Naida, I'm not done with you." Mako's voice rang through the air, cold and sharp. There was no other sound besides the soft lapping of small waves being intercepted by the bodies breaking the water's surface.

"Come with me, Naida, I'll protect you from this beast." Lanai beckoned to her and attempted to swim ahead of Mako, but he kept pace with her as they quickly grew closer and closer to Naida.

"No! S-stay away from me! You're both evil! Get back!" Naida whimpered, thrashing about since she no longer had enough energy to swim away.

Out of the blue, literally, a pod of dolphins swam between Naida and her pursuers. The pod then broke in half, one half fought off Mako and Lanai, and the other half surrounded Naida, keeping her above water and helped her swim as they guided her swiftly away from danger.

She was soon delivered back to the houseboat, but the dolphins stayed with her above water until Ray, Shark, and Lionfish joined her above water, looking desperately eager and agitated.

"Naida, did Mako take you?" Shark asked calmly.

Naida tried to answer, but she just broke out in sobs. Could she trust the rest of the brothers? Were they actually sirens too?

Lionfish edged closer to Naida, opening his arms to her, but after what Mako had done to her, she was not ready to be touched by anyone she didn't trust with all her heart anytime soon. "No! St-stay away!" She commanded and jerked away from him.

"Naida, will you let us re-apply our gifts?" Ray asked softly, attempting to calm her down.

She had no choice. She hated how helpless she was now! She wished she could just go back to her life before the whole rebirth and mermen and siren ordeal came in and ruined it. Back at her real home, she was independent, happy, surrounded by trusted friends, and safe. Now she couldn't tell the difference between those trying to help her and those trying to use her.

"First, I want you guys to be honest. Actually honest with me, no more secrets." She demanded.

"You deserve nothing less." Ray agreed and all three brothers nodded solemnly.

"Wait, where's Krait?" She asked and whipped her head around warily.

"It's alright! He had animals from across the ocean look for you when we realized you and Mako were gone and told them to bring you back. When they did, just now, he stayed in his room while we came to you, since the full moon would probably have the same effect on him as it did with Mako." Lionfish explained.

"So, you know about Mako now?" Ray asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, I do, and so did you! You guys knew Mako was a siren, a creature the ocean made solely to destroy me, and you let him be around me? What the heck you guys!" Naida shouted and threw water at them, though she knew it wouldn't phase them. "All this time you guys were saying how safe I was around you, how I need to trust you to survive, how much you guys cared about me, all of that was a lie! If you actually cared for me, you would've kept that monster away from me!"

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum