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If she was to be completely honest with herself and act on the feeling in her heart, she could be having the time of her life, courting five, no, four mermen whose sole purpose in life is to please her, but she couldn't accept that reality. If she gave into that dream, it would mean leaving behind her life above the water, saying goodbye to all her friends, possibly, forever, and she just couldn't do that.

If only there was some way she could bring these two polar sides of her life together, wouldn't that be perfect? But she couldn't, so she'll continue to push those feelings down until they no longer nag at her, and she can find a way to return her life to normal.

"Bring Krait to me. I'm going to fix this." Naida instructed resolutely.

"Are you sure?" Lionfish checked.

"Did I sound the least bit unsure?" Naida asked. Lionfish smiled, nodded, and left the room.

Only a few seconds passed before Lionfish opened the door and swam directly to Niada's side and ushered her towards the back of the room, then Ray swam through the door and stood on the other side of Naida, and finally, Krait came in with Shark holding him firmly by the wrist.

Krait looked, scared? He was already arguing with Shark as he brought him in, and that was definitely out of character for him. "No, I can't! She can't! What would happen if..." Krait's protests drifted off when he saw Naida, and something in his image changed. His breath hitched, he held himself higher, and his eyes flickered mischievously. "No!" Krait shouted, threw his hands over his head, doubled over, and wrapped his ribbon-like tail around himself. Naida had seen him assume this position a few times before when he was scared or sad.

Shark's hold on Krait's wrist didn't waver and he kept his gaze on Krait. He was truly determined to make sure nothing happened to Naida.

Krait's accelerated breathing slowed and he gently unwound himself. He stood up straight and looked up, revealing a euphoric smile. "Ah! Naida, my sea bunny! I've been dying to see you!" Krait elated and started towards her, but Shark held him back, earning a scowl from Krait.

"Seven seas, Kirait, you sound worse than Lionfish!" Ray groaned and facepalmed.

"Hey! I'm not that foolish!" Lionfish protested.

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