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"Is he okay? Does his personality completely change during full moons or something? This isn't the Krait I know." Naida chuckled, amused, though equally confused.

"I'm not sure. Sure, we're usually a bit off during full moons, but this is the first full moon we've experienced with you, so there's no telling what it could do to us." Ray speculated.

"Shark, you eel, let me go. I need to see Naida, I need to show her something... wonderful." Krait fought, attempting to jerk his arm from Sharks's grasp, but to no avail. He turned his attention from Shark and back to Naida, locking eyes with her. If he didn't seem eery enough already from those black eyes, they now had a faint glow to them now and from the way he looked at her so eagerly, she didn't know if it made her feel sympathetic or scared.

"Calm down, Krait. Naida is going to allow you to bestow your gift to her, and that's it. Try anything and you'll have the three of us to deal with." Shark explained smoothly.

"The three of us? So Mako really did go rouge?" Krait hesitated and his trance faded out for a moment, briefly letting the real Krait surface. "Where is he now?"

Nobody spoke. Nobody knew where Mako currently was, but they knew where he wouldn't be.

Krait looked at each of his brother's miserable faces, then at Naida. "Naida, I don't know what he did to you, I can only assume the worst, but please, please don't tell me-" He choked on his words and his expression filled with despair. "D-don't tell me, you banished Mako? Please tell me I'm wrong. You didn't banish my, our, brother because of a mistake?" He let out a slow, shuttering breath, and Naida struggled to decipher what emotion he was hiding behind his abyssal eyes. Agony, hatred, denial, all of the above?

"Krait, y-you don't understand." Naida forced out. Krait's face went slack, his fists balled up, and his tail twitched. Shark noticed and readjusted his hold on Krait.

"No, you don't understand." Krait snarled and the full moon's trance fell over Krait again, his eyes glowing menacingly. His instincts were at war with his feelings; did he want to give his gift to her, or did he want to hurt her like she hurt him? He didn't want ether, he wanted Mako back. No, he doesn't need Mako, he needs Naida; he needs to satisfy her. He needs to make her regret what she did.

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