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When Ocean had said chamber, Naida was expecting another dull room of smooth, cornerless stone walls, but this was nearly the opposite of that! It had the same walls, but the bottom had a carpet of blue and green anemones that would make a lovely bed, in front of the entrance was a curtain of long strands of seaweed for a little privacy, and floating around the room, defying natural physics and normalities, were bubbles that gave off a soft glow. The whole room seemed way too peaceful and mellow to be a prison room, plus, with only a seaweed curtain keeping her from the tunnels, what was keeping her from escaping? Was Ocean going to post a guard?

"Is this it?" Naida asked skeptically.

"It's a prison chamber, what were you expecting?" The mermaid scoffed as if Naida thought it would be more impressive.

"No, no, this is fine." Naida hummed, suppressing a sigh of relief that she wasn't going to be trapped in nothing but cold stone walls for who knows how long.

"I'll leave you to your chamber then. Don't leave unless you have an escort." The mermaid advised then swam off down a seemingly random tunnel.

Naida looked around, suddenly feeling awkward and isolated. This was the first time she had been alone, against her will, since she fell into the ocean.

"I hope if they're alright." Naida murmured to herself, thinking longly of Lionfish, Ray, Shark, and Krait.


Three days. Three days had passed with no sign of being let go or of Ocean's relentless training letting up. Ocean had worked her until her arms were numb and migraines crippled her, but her control over her powers had improved, however, the end result was never worth the pain it took to get there. And this was all for, what, fulfilling Ocean's curiosity?

Naida was currently in her chamber, staring at the only exit that led to nothing but a maze of tunnels. Someone would be coming soon and take her to Ocean for training, but its hard to tell the time in a giant rock. She had considered escaping, but even if she did find her way through the labyrinth, she would surely be caught by any of the many many merfolk and sirens. Was it worth a shot? What would happen if she was caught? Would Ocean punish her?

The giggle of a young girl rang through the tunnel and sent a strange tingle down her spine.

"Hello?" Naida called out.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now