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Naida sat up in her bed and stretched. She looked down at her lap and smiled at her blanket. Of course they weighted it and she appreciated it, this was a much better alternative to the other ways they offered to keep her still when she slept so she wasn't carried away by small currents.

"There was something I needed to do when I woke up..." Naida murmured to herself and looked around, trying to figure out what it was. Her room was mostly dark, since the sun wasn't quite high enough in the sky yet to send light this deep. She took her blanket off and jumped at the sight of her legs. She had small yellow and pink scales dotting them, and her feet looked more like flippers. "That's right!" She gasped and rushed to unlock the brother's doors.

As she was heading to their rooms, she remembered something; full moons last twenty-four hours, which means she won't be completely safe today either. She'll have to keep her guard up.

The first door was Shark's. She unlocked and knocked on the door, checking to see if he was awake. "Come in." He grunted.

Naida popped her head through the door and said, "Just letting you know your door is unlocked."

He nodded with a smile. "Do you want your gift while you're here?" He added.

"Thanks, but I'll do it before we head out for breakfast so it's all at once."

"Sounds good. Don't take too long to get to the others, you know the gifts fade away faster once you're awake, and I'd hate to find out you drowned while taking your sweet time." Shark laughed and Naida did as well, then left.

Next door was Lionfish's and she did the same thing she did with Shark, unlocked and knocked on the door, and popped in to tell him. "So you're going to let Krait continue to give you his gift?" Lionfish asked right before Naida left.

"Yeah, and I wish I had sooner. I'm done being selfish and cold towards you guys, from now on, I'm a new and better me." Naida said proudly, her bosom swelling with determination.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now