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Naida maintained an innocent poker face, but his words rang all too true. "I'm not sure. But, whatever is going on, however I'm feeling right now, I suggest you use it to your advantage cause I don't know how long it'll last. It may only be today, it may be permanent. Honestly, I'm not too sure about anything in my life right now."

Shark hesitated to speak; what do you say in response to that? "Niada, don't feel pressured to do anything for us, we're more than willing to do anything for you, it's okay. If you're pushing yourself to be something you're not, for our sake, that'll only make us feel guilty."

"But, it's the least I can do." Naida whimpered.

"Naida, you are perfect just the way you are." Shark gasped, holding her tightly. It hurt him to see her so vulnerable and sad, and his instincts roared at him to fix that, but that wasn't what she needed, not right now. What did she need? Think, think! Thinking and understanding emotions was never Shark's strong suit.

"Everyone uses the word perfect too lightly. Nobody can be perfect, we've all made mistakes, some bigger than others. It's no longer a matter of how good I am, but how can I atone? It's not like I've sinned, but I've made mistakes that I won't take back, and that hurt others. And now I feel obligated to make it up to you guys. I'm tired of going over this subject, both in my head and with you guys. Please, just make this easier on all of us, and let me make you guys happy, and hopefully, that'll make me happy too." Naida resolved and put her forehead against his chest, closing her eyes and took deep breaths.

Shark was glad she had gotten that off her chest, even if it made his heart ache hearing her beat herself up like so, but what could he say to make her feel better? Maybe the best thing to say was nothing.

He placed a hand on the back of her head and carried on swimming.


"We're here." Shark alerted Naida, patting her head softly.

"Mmf..." She groaned and nuzzled her face against his chest.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now