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The world seemed to hold its breath in this tense moment. Krait was obviously in distress, Shark didn't change his grip on Krait's wrist for the life of him, Naida inched behind Ray and Lionfish, who noticed and moved themselves a bit more in front of her warily. Everyone was trying to anticipate who would move first.

"Naida." Krait whispered and Naida flinched. He looked as if he was going to speak, but instead just started chuckling quietly to himself, slowly shaking his head. "Honestly, what did we expect." He asked rhetorically and looked up at his brothers. "Pitting Naida in with Mako. How long did we think we could keep Mako's siren instincts from taking advantage of Naida. Admit it, deep down, we expected this, we were just in denial." He breathed and averted his eyes to the only window in Naida's room, which was barred with thin but strong growths of coral to keep out unwanteds.

None of the other brothers spoke, but they agreed with Krait. They were in denial, thinking they may just be able to get away with it if things played out right, but they were only lying to themselves.

"Krait, you need to apply your gift, then it's time for you to go to bed. All of us deserve some rest, especially Naida." Shark established.

"How much of me do you need to touch, Krait? Will a touch do the trick, or..." Naida drifted off, growing both uncomfortable, and a blush.

"In order to bestow our gifts, we have to touch you in a certain way, or else it won't work. Lionfish must cup your ears, Ray must breathe into your lungs through a kiss, Shark must touch your eyelids, Mako, well, I'm not sure what he has to do, but I'm sure you know by now." Krait explained. Naida couldn't help but have a flashback to what he did to her, how he linked his hands together behind her back as he hugged her close, and her emotions fell out of her control, allowing him to dominate over her own will.

"I know this already, I asked what your requirement was, now stop avoiding the question so we can get this hassle over with, get some rest, and work things out when we're all in our right mind." Naida fumed.

Krait sighed and nodded. "Very well, if you want to spoil all the fun. I-"

"Don't lie so your instincts can have your way with her, we'll know cause your gift won't activate." Lionfish warned.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora