"I want you forever Dylan...."

"I'm definitely going to oblige that request."

"What makes you love me? You could have any woman you wanted, You're so good looking and charming, So intelligent, So loving. Why me?"

"I see you for who you are darlin' I see a kind, Loving, Caring, Funny, Honest and stunning woman in front of me. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes baby. You would see how you make my world a much better place, How you light up my life, How you brought the lost parts of me back. You make me so unbelievably happy to be with you, To have you in my life."

"I have no idea what I did to deserve you but I don't ever plan on losing you. You have no idea how you have changed me."

"How you have given me everything I ever could need and so much more, Our family, Your love and compassion, The feeling you give me at any moment sets a rush through my body."

"I never thought I deserved goodness, I always thought I would live in fear but you came along and now I see a future, One where I found my home, My real family and the love of the most amazing man."

"I want you, By my side, Till the day I die. You're my person Dylan.....My best friend, My future....My absolute world. You set my soul free Dylan and you lit a fire within me that can never be extinguished."

"I can't wait for when I can call you my wife Angel. I've never loved anything or anyone the way I love you. And I plan on never letting you go. Within the month I want this to be over and we can start living our life together, You will finally be free of him my love."

"I wasn't expecting it to be over so quickly to be honest. I need to have a think about what I need to know don't I?"

"It would be beneficial if you had, Maybe write them down so you don't need to remember them all as you will be under an enormous amount of stress."

"Yes, That makes sense. Do you know what you are going to do to him?"

"We have a plan, It isn't set in stone but nothing will happen to you baby, He won't be able to move."

"What do you mean he won't move?"

"Do you really want to know the answer to that?"

Do I?

Will it make me feel differently?

Will it scare me?

Will I be able to live with this afterwards?

"Yes. I have to know."

"Pops and Frankie will set up one of the storage units at home, One they used when pops was in charge. It will have everything we will need in it to make Micky suffer. He will die in that unit, Never seeing daylight again after I get him. The unit will be connected by a tunnel from the house."

"The training Damon, Tyler and I have had will be primarily what we use to break him down. Frankie will be there for medical reasons, He will administer a medication that will cause paralysis but Micky will see and hear everything. His body will be unable to move but his brain will still be fully functioning. He will be able to talk. He will still feel pain, A lot of pain."

Angel and her Demons.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt