Chapter 15.

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"So Angel....Will you stay?"

"I....This is.....Are you sure?"

"Angel, I've never been more sure about anything in my life....." He leans down and plants a kiss on my forehead.



"Thank you Dylan. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. Thank you for giving me this chance. Want a drink? My mouth is drier than the desert right now."

"I'd like that."

"We've got some fresh pressed juices in the fridge. Tyler loves that shit!"

"Is Tyler really your security?"

"Ha, Well that's not his official title. Officially he is known in my family as the Consigliere. Sort of a chief adviser."

"Where as Damon is the underboss in the family. Basically it means he is second in command. My right hand."

"I have so much to learn about your life...."

"We are just getting started baby....What juice do you fancy?"

"We've got apple, pineapple and ginger. Carrot, blood orange and mango. Orange. Apple. Mixed berry or Pineapple."

"Shit he really does love juice" I laugh.

"What will it be babe?"

"Hmmm......Apple, Pineapple and ginger please."

"Crushed ice?"


I watch him float around the kitchen.

He is simply amazing.

"There's someone I'd like you to meet, Are you up for dinner tonight?"

"I was actually gonna go talk with Allie, I need to sort this out. I love her too much to lose her. I know she said some really shitty things to me but the feelings I'm having are killing me"

"Yeah I get that, You do what you need. I'll have a car take you yeah?"

"God what did I do before you.."

"Same as me. Just existing." He purrs.

"Smooth...." I reply with a chuckle.

"The minute you stepped into my life, I felt it begin."

"Fuck Dylan....."

I race into his arms and bite his lip pulling him towards me.

"You're amazing Angel. My little taste of heaven..."


I feel breathless.

I feel a pulse between my thighs.

A deep throbbing heat.

What is happening....

"Oh god Dylan. Stop something is wrong..."

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