Chapter 7.

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*Angelica's P.O.V*

"I need to clean the glass up but I will leave so you can get settled. Sorry Sir."

I hurry over and hover the glass up, Hoping I get it all. I can feel them watching me. My mind is saying they are thinking how pathetic I am and how stupid I am. I can feel my eyes welling up and tears are threatening to fall.

"Angel?" Dylan asks, Sounding worried.

Without realising I had started to shake, All of the times of him shouting at me telling me how useless I was start flooding my mind.

"Angelica? Can you hear me?....Tyler Go to the front desk and get her some help for fuck sake!"

"Yes boss."

*Dylan's P.O.V*

What the fuck is going on?

As I'm watching her clean up I see her face start to flush and see her body shake.

All I can see is this beautiful woman slowly breaking.

I start to walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder to try and grab her attention, Lifting her out of whatever is happening.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screams at me.

"Woah, Fuck I'm sorry Angel. Where did you go?"

"" She is severely trembling now.

"Are you alright?"

I grab her some water and back away after giving it to her. Something is not right.

"I have to go."

She then bolts out of the room before I can move, I run after her but she just disappeared somewhere. What the fuck is happening....

"Why are you out of breath?" Damon nearly crashes into me after appearing out of nowhere.

"Shit D. Jump out on people much!"

"Well alright then. Good morning to you too. Did Tyler find anything?"

"What?" I ask him, Confused as to what he is talking about.

"I said.....DID TYLER FIND ANYTHING?" He shouts at me.

"Keep your voice down you twat! No something came up. He'll have to do it, When he comes back.

"Comes back? Where is he?"

"I needed him to get someone."

"What the fuck has got you in such a bad mood?" He replies. He is really starting to piss me off.

"Don't worry about it!"

"Fine, Sulk by yourself. Some of us actually have work to do."

*Allie's P.O.V*

I get a call from cassie saying that she has someone saying he needs help with a cleaner.

I make my way down to the desk.

"Hello Sir, How can I help you?"

"One of your cleaners is having some sort of episode in the Donnelly's room. We didn't know what to do. Can you come and check on her please?"

Angel and her Demons.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang