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Hello everyone! 

If you have made it over here from the chapters app: 

Thanks for joining me on wattpad!  I am so excited to continue on Angel's journey and I hope you feel the same too!

While I will never be able to show you how grateful i am that you are reading my story. I have spent too long writing for Angel to have someone take it away from me. Thethoughts and feelings of my characters are part of me, I couldn't bear the thought that chapters could changed or used in any way.

Most of the chapters will be edited into wattpad's writing style, I have changed certain parts, Adding some more detailed explanations or taking out unnessercery bits.

I appreciate you joining me here, I would please ask that you take a quick look and read the parts I have added, I realised, While editing that one of the past events I hadn't done it justice and knew it could be better.  I plan on making the rest ofAngel's story deeper than before. I want to push myself to do the best I can.

If you are reading straight from here:

Thank you for taking time to read my story, It honestly means the world to me!

I'd love to hear your thoughts so far and any feedback is appreciated! 

While I am writing, I haven't had a plan in mind for how many chapters I will be doing or when I feel it is a good time to finish. 

Thanks for reading my rambling and I hope this has cleared things up. 

Wishing you all the best and hope you are staying safe and sane during these difficulttimes.

So much love to you all. 

Milee xXx 

Angel and her Demons.Where stories live. Discover now