Chapter 15

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Now that the birthday festivities are over, I am back on the grind. I wish I can show you guys my web of notes for this book. This book might be all over the place but hey I enjoy writing for you guys. I can figure that out later.

Shout out to my honey for surprising me with a desktop computer. I updated broken recently.

Please excuse the mistakes, I will edit once I am completely done with the book.


Warning, there's a lot of detail going on in this chapter. Something I normally don't do.


Diane POV

" You sure you okay?" Jason asked me as I laid in my king sized bed, pondering on what happened earlier.

I simply nodded a yes and pulled the covers over on top of me.

After spending hours on trying to get Adrienne to come home and sharing my darkest moments with Jason, I was emotionally drained. After getting nowhere with my attitude driven stubborn daughter, I caved in emotions. Everything I had bottled up had came up in a overwhelming cry.

Thankfully I had Jason there for me, I did not have anybody else or trusted anyone else with my kids. I've burned many bridges in my life time, some were valid and some were due to my profession. None the less I had no one.

" Okay. I have already called the shop and told them I am not coming in for another few days." Jason announced as he took off his work boots he always seemed to wear and put them at my bedroom door.

" I might order some pizza or something. I remember Charity asking for pasta the other day. I could make that for her tomorrow. For now I have the kids eating popcorn and watching a movie downstairs" He added coming back over to the bed.

He looked up at me with his worrying eyes but decided to stay quiet.

Sometimes I wonder what Jason's true intentions are. No one has ever given my kids and I this much attention before. I expected him to leave me alone a long time ago. Especially, after finding out that Baby Jace wasn't his. Yet after knowing him a little over a year and a half now he has continuously been consistent.

Almost every day, he would show up at the firm I was working at with flowers and would ask me out for lunch. Some days I would decline, so he would spend his lunch hour talking my ear off while he ate from vending machines. After a while, he would by lunch ahead of time just in case if I said no. He would also show up to the club sometimes to either keep me company or to make sure nobody messed with me. Eventually, asked me to take some time off from working at the club so I wouldn't be on my feet all hours. And when I wasn't working he helped pay for the things I needed for the baby, while I used the money I saved to take care of my household.

When I was pregnant, his actions became even more erratic with molds of affection and expression while also respecting my wishes on keeping my kids out of it. My kids did not meet Jason until this mess with Adrienne. One thing for sure is that I did not want my kids to hurt how I did. I would rather he leave me and I suffer the hurt then for him to leave my children and for them have another person let them down.

In all this time, I have abstain from my desire of sex, which is a huge accomplishment for myself. Surprisingly Jason has never asked or tried since our one night stand. Of course he's tried kissing me and hugging me. Sometimes I push him away and sometimes I don't. But he has never tried. Which causes me to wonder.

" We can talk about it if you want, baby" he said as if he knows what I am thinking.

Jason sat down on the bed, still looking at me with those eyes. I had half the mind to tell him to get his work jumpsuit wearing dirty behind off my clean sheets, but then I thought of something else.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now