Chapter 28

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Continuation of Last Chapter


She stopped dancing for a moment suddenly feeling off. She began to back up preparing for her exit but suddenly froze, when she felt somebody firm against her back. She also felt something that felt like cold metal on her thigh. Guests who noticed began to move away from the stage with a frightened look on their faces. Her breathing picked up as she looked down at the gun that rested on her thigh. He pushed her further into him.

" Guess who?"

But she didn't have to guess. She knew exactly who it was... Andre.


" Don't stop dancing now. It was getting good" Andre said mischievously as he let go Diane's trembling body.

Andre snapped his fingers and in walked in his untourage with guns. The few guests that were there coward into a corner making it seem like it was just her and Andre, which she was afraid of. Diane turned around to look at him. He softly chuckled as he put his gun away and moved down off the stage.

" Aww don't be shy now sweets. Dance for me"

He slowly took off his suit jacket as he stared Diane down. She was frozen still. She had only been this scared when it came to Andre once before but even then it could not compare to how she felt now. He looked different, smelled different, even walked different. He was light years away from being the man she met at 13 and even more different than the man she saw a few months ago.

" What you want Dre?" Diane spoke softly as she looked around at his crew moving the guest out of the room and making sure the club workers were out of the way.

Suddenly Munch and Ray burst through the door, trying to get to Andre but was stopped by two large men. The men began to beat on them while Keisha came in screaming.

" What the fuck, Andre?"

Andre wasn't fazed buy it, he just looked on as if it was some type of entertainment. Diane took this moment to run but was caught by Andre.

" Where you going baby? The party just getting started." With Andre's hands around her waist and her back pressed against him, Andre walked Diane over to the bar. " Let's have a drink. Everyone seems so tense. Make me a drink sweets. You know how I like it."

Andre remained pressed up against her as she began making his drink. Diane didn't know what to think. She assumed that maybe Andre was using again in order to explain this jarring behavior. Andre was never a saint but this was crazy.

As soon as she finished making his drink he spun her around roughly. " Dre please. Whatever this is stop."

Dre ignored her and continued to get close to her. His face softened as he looked her body over.

" I wanted a life with you. Take over the world together with you and your dancing and my sports, but life wasn't too kind to us huh?"

Dre began to softly caress Diane's face while she whimpered at his touch. " We had plans but then you lied to me."

"What did I lie about?" She asked genuinely confused by all this.

" You said I was the only one"



Today was the day that Andre's dream comes true. It was the day that he proves to his family and friends that he had the ability to go all the way into the olympics as a high school graduate. He was eligible for consideration to try out for two different olympic sports, track and field and volleyball. The rules state that he could only pursue one olympic sport so he chose his first love, volleyball. His dreams don't stop at going to the olympics at age 19, but also wanted to go into the NBA after his professional volleyball career. Things were set for him and he couldn't wait to live the life he dreamed of with his future bride and a life away from is overbearing rich family.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora