Chapter 2

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" Hey honey , how was school?" my mother greeted as if she really cared. Surprisingly, food was being cooked on the stove and the house was quiet aside from the babbles coming from baby Jace.

" Your cooking?" I asked while putting my things away.

" Yes silly" mom laughed. " You didn't answer my question"

" School was school." I answered giving the only answer I can truly give. At this moment, I didn't feel like telling her about the bounced check from lunch. I simply just wanted to do my chores and go to my room. " You need me to do anything?"

" No you go ahead and relax." Im seriously think I'm being punked.

The kitchen was a total mess and Jace was squirming for attention from my mother. I heard a beep coming from the laundry room signaling that the washer is done. She's going to tell me to do something like she always does.

" Feed him while I go finish the laundry."

I knew it. The only time I will ever have time for myself is when I'm sleeping.

" ain't like I have a choice" I mumbled.

I heard pattering of feet upstairs and soft voices.

" what are they doing?" I pondered as I tried to feed the baby.

He was still looking for my momma. Honestly, he should be used to me by now. My mother is probably going to have me babysit tonight. Why else would she go through the trouble of cooking such a big meal.

The pattering a feet became hard stomps and loud shatter.

" Guys whatever your doing, stop!" I shouted up the stairs.

I went back to feeding Jace, when all of the sudden I hear a huge scream coming from my sister.

" What happened?" I shouted as I got up alarmed. No one answered me but I soon figured out the problem when I see giggling boys come running down the stairs and into the kitchen with a furious Charity not to far behind.

Charity's hair was in a matted mess with a slimy substance in her hair. She was only wearing a shirt which made me think she was taking a nap.

Her attention wasn't necessarily on her hair but on her stuffed teddy bear the twins were tossing around. Charity's father gave her that bear when she was baby and now she sleeps with it and sometimes takes it wherever she goes.

" Give it back, Marcus." She whined her tears mixed in with the green goo.

Baby Jace began to cry at the commotion as the twins and Charity chased each other around the kitchen.

" Michael, Marcus stop it. Give it back now." I shouted at them with authority but they didn't listen.

They both looked at me and laughed and continued to toss and run around with her bear. Before I knew it I was chasing them around.

Finally I grabbed hold of the foot of the bear but Michael still had a grip.

" Stop Michael before you tear it."

" Fine" he finally let go but the force of pulling caused the bear to fly in the air and eventually splat into moms homemade tomato sauce. It splashed all over Charity, baby Jace, and me; leaving the twins as clean as they came in.

I screamed in anger.

" You stupid little brats. Why can't you just listen."

Charity picked up her bear from the pot of sauce. She quickly dropped it back seeing it torn and discolored.

" We were just trying to have fun." Marcus explained.

"Fun? Look at this mess you caused. Look at your sisters hair. You really think this is fun." I fussed at them. I looked at them infuriated. " This right here is called stupid."

They hung their heads as they stood there.

" look what they did to my teddy. My daddy will be mad at me." She cried.

" Charity your dad is in jail he has no business to be mad at anybody." I snapped.

She ran up the stairs crying but I didn't care.

Finally my mom came in.

" Seriously Adrienne. I leave for 5 minutes and this happens" she said as she looked all around the kitchen.

Am I hearing correctly? Is she really about to snap on me? This is fucking ridiculous.

" Me? Those brats over there caused this." I said as I pointed at the twins who were no longer looking guilty. Now they were sporting their lost puppy look with the cute eyes.

" They're just kids Adrienne. Your a young adult. You should know better. Plus I heard what you said. Who do you think you are talking to them like that?" She fussed at me. Okay maybe I shouldn't have said what I said but if she was here to witness this bullshit everyday maybe she would understand. " And look at this mess. It's your responsibility to watch them as their older sibling Adrienne."

"Charity come downstairs for me sweetie."

Once she came downstairs, she stood next to the twins like nothing happened.

" now Adrienne apologize."

Excuse me apologize? She must be out her mind.

" What for?" I asked confused.

" either apologize or your grounded."

What do I really have to loose. I already don't have a life as it is. I'm not going to apologize for something that isn't my fault. These kids are bad for no reason. They just have to do something to drive me crazy.

" I'm not saying sorry for something I didn't do."

" Okay. Your grounded until I see your attitude change. No tv, no cell phone. You will come home right after school. You understand me?"

I nodded my head and looked away angrily. " now get this kitchen cleaned up. Boys go play. Charity come with me. Let me see if I can fix your hair."

She wiped baby Jace face before she picked him up. Then she followed them up the stairs.

Is this seriously my life? I wish I can live with my dad. Maybe he will let me live like teenager and not somebody's slave.

Excuse the mistakes.

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Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now