Chapter 16

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I spent a lot of time avoiding my mother and I am beginning to grow tired of these shenanigans. Derek and I are going to meet with his lawyer today to explore my options.   Derek and I held hands as we walked into the firm that Derek's lawyer office was at.

" Derek, it's good to see you." his lawyer spoke as he stood up from his desk and walked over to us. 

" Likewise, Mr. Davidson." Derek shook his hand with his left hand since his right hand was still occupied with mine. I was bit nervous for some reason although I had no reason to be. 

" This is my girlfriend, Adrienne" he introduced. 

" Nice to meet you Adrienne. Well let's get started shall we?" He gestured toward the seats in front of his giant mahogany desk offering us a seat. " So you are looking to get emancipated?"

" Yes. My mother wants me to come back home but I don't want to be under her little thumb anymore." 

As I got comfortable in my seat, Derek placed his hand on my thigh. One thing I've noticed while being around Derek all the time is that he had to be touching me some kind of way, especially around other men.

"Well we can file a petition to the court. They'll notify your parents and schedule hearing. As your representatives I can definitely file for you. However there are requirements that have to be met before the hearing." Mr.Davidson said matter factly.

I shifted in my seat preparing myself to hear these requirements.

" Alright lay it on me"

" First things first you must be able to prove that you can support yourself financially. You must have a realistic monthly budget. If you don't already have a bank account you must get one asap. I advise to have money saved up in your savings."

" Already got that covered." Derek stated before Mr. Davidson could continue to the next requirement. 

" I'll even make it seem like she work at a job or something." He added

" You have to be attending educational or vocational school full time or have already gotten your GED...."

" Got that covered too. Since my baby don't have to work, she can go or do whatever she wants with school." 

I giggled at how serious and proud Derek was about taking care of me.

Mr. Davidson laughed too. " Besides the requirements we have to prove to the judge that you deserve to be emancipated despite your mothers opposition. This is where we mention the abuse."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. " Abuse?"

" Yeah emotional abuse? Are we not on the same page Derek?" Mr. Davidson asked just as confused.

I looked at Derek waiting for him to explain. When have I ever been abused.

" Neglect is a form of abuse baby. We have to call it like it is. Remember the time she left you with those little devils to do god knows what for like 3 days." 

I remember that time it was yesterday. I walked all the way to my Father's office to ask for money for food. In all honesty that was a bit exaggerated. When my mother came back home from her long weekend, I found out that she had left a note and money. The note was tapped on on the cookie Jar but I never thought to actually open the cookie Jar. I didn't exactly read the note either. I read that she was "going out" and I instantly was pissed off and disregarded the rest of the note.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя