Chapter 8

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" Momma?" I choked out as I began to taste metal around my tongue. I must have bit my tongue when i was slapped.

" That's what you think of me?" My mother grimaced. " As some whore off the street?"

I didn't know what to say. I don't think I can say anything to make this situation better. Did I really think of. her that way? Isn't it the truth? I chose to say nothing. I just stood there itching for this moment to be over.

"Okay" She sighed and nodded her head. " I see where we stand"


After that night, not much was said between my mother and I. We were just existing. The crazy thing was my mother was home a lot more. But I'm not sure if thats a good thing. On certain nights she went out and when she did she was back before any of us wakes up in the morning.

Apparently, she is home everyday during the day according to Emery's grandmother, who is on disability. Charity seems to think that my mother got laid off from work, wherever that is. And Michael and Marcus claim they saw a man in a dirty jumpsuit leaving the house when they were walking home from the bus stop. Which is weird because in my 16 years of living, my mother has never allowed a man to set foot in our house. Well except my dad. I assured my brothers that the man is just the mechanic even though they are convinced that the man is mom's lil friend.

And as I wait for Derek to pick me up to go to school together, my mother pranced around the house which was annoying the hell out of me.

" What are you waiting on? You don't want to miss the bus. Unfortunately, my car is still not fixed. Something about the transmission."

" or it could be that you're screwing the mechanic" I said to myself.

" What"

" I said Derek is picking me up." I said simply looking up at her. For a moment her gaze was warm then it turned to worry.

" You guys getting serious huh?"

Instead of answering her I looked away from her.

" Be careful okay? Derek seems to be a nice guy but, sometimes guys are nice at first then all of sudden they change once you give them some. Trust me I've had my share of men who took advantage of me." My mother said but her advice was definitely unwanted and uncalled for.

" Okay well I'm not you" I snapped, then immediately gave an apologetic gaze before looking away again. She gave me a small grin back not wanting to argue with me.

"Hey, I got you something." she walked over to the hall closet and grabbed a small bag from the top shelf. " I was going to give it to you for Christmas, but nows a good time."

There was two wrapped gifts in there, I decided to open the biggest one first. I quickly unwrapped the small weighted box and was merely shocked to what I discovered.

" You got me a phone" I screamed as I excitedly began to open the next gift.

" Its a about time huh?" my mother laughed.

"Right. I swear if these are airpods, I'm going to..." My hopes were short lived, when I saw a small old jewelry box and inside it was the most beautiful diamond necklace I think I ever seen.

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Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now