Chapter 23

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I'm might go  back and forth between  point of views so please pay attention.



"Babe You could have just texted me or woke me up to tell me where you were going. I always tell you where I'm going. Then Josh creep ass eyeing you down like you some piece of meat or something."

Adrienne was in the kitchen, cutting some potatoes into fries, something that slowly became her favorite thing to eat after getting on birth control. There were some days she couldn't eat and felt nauseous, but she could eat anything with potatoes. Her taste buds could be so far off that her diet would change constantly throughout the week. Her weight would fluctuate as well. One day she would be hella bloated then back to her normal weight.

" Derek I already told you, I was studying with Emery and the rest just showed up. I was only expecting James to come pick us up to take us home. Why are you trying to argue with me now?" Adrienne fussed as she placed the knife down and turned to look up at him.

" I'm not arguing. I'm just trying to get you to see from my perspective okay? I don't care about you hanging out with Emery and your homegirls, but I need to know if Kevin, Josh,  tyler and the rest of my teammates are going to be there."

Adrienne crossed her arms underneath her breasts as she peered up at Derek. She looked at his eyes to see if he is really serious right now

" Now I see what this is about. This is not about you knowing where I am. You don't trust me."

Derek smacked his teeth and waved Adrienne off.  " What are you talking about?"

" I'm talking about how you only mentioned your teammates. You don't trust me. You really think I would put myself in that type of situation."

" I didn't say all that. But a shol don't trust them. They are football players, they hop on anything, It doesn't matter if they in relationship or not. " 

Adrienne turned back towards her cut up potatoes and prepared to wash them in the sink.  " Well I could say the same thing about you right? Chloe's delusional ass still got the hots for you and she let's me know every chance she gets. Yet you say you didn't tap ..."

Suddenly Adrienne was spun around  causing her to drop everything unto the floor and sink. Adrienne screamed at the sudden move. Derek's jaw clenched tight as he stared down at Adrienne. Adrienne was not about to change this into some kind of  fall out. All Derek was asking was a heads up when it comes to his teammates. His teammates mouths get reckless in the locker room. They annoying talk about hit lists, who has the most bomb pussy, and who they trying to get at next. Derek refused to have Adrienne or even Emery be talked about in that matter including James

 " Don't you dare compare me to them. Do you understand me? Don't." Derek shouted. 

Adrienne immediately started tearing up at how upset Derek was. He had never gotten upset with her before and to have Derek spin her around the way that he did scared her a little. This kind of anger was familiar to Adrienne but not with Derek but with her father. This small moment reminded her of the times that she would see her father grab onto her mother that way, when her mother would get snappy or in his way.

Seeing Adrienne face, Derek's eyes softened and his jaw unclenched, shocked at what he had done. 

" I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to grab on you like that. I'm so sorry . I love you so much Okay?  I mean that with everything in me" 

 Derek pleaded for her forgiveness as Adrienne continued to cry as flashbacks of her dad and her mom kept replaying in her head.  She fell into Derek's embrace  as she let out a breath she did not know she was holding. For a moment she did not recognize the man that she fell in love with, but she felt better that he was extremely remorseful something she never saw with her dad. Derek was different, he truly cared for her well being. Adrienne just wished everyone else saw and felt what she felt.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ