Chapter 48

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Please Excuse Mistakes


Diane stood in front of the kids bathroom. With the  door broken in she couldn't help but see the aftermath of the traumatic events that took place over 24 hours prior. She was home to take a shower and to grab some things for the long stay at the hospital. After she had gotten herself together, she couldn't help but look at the scene before her as the sun beamed down on the dried blood.

Once upon a time,  this would have been her blood. She had her share of secret miscarriages and secret patch ups except she didn't have anyone there to pick up the pieces. Adrienne's baby is still holding strong but the resemblance is still uncanny. Adrienne did not deserve this. Her baby didn't deserve this.

"This cycle has to end."

Diane forced herself to move away from the door, making a mental note to clean up at a later date. She went into Adrienne's room to grab some of her things and as she did so she made up in her mind what she was going to do. Jason was asleep when she left the hospital and was betting on him staying for another hour which was enough time for her to get on the road. He won't get a chance to stop her.

She was going back home to see her mother. This cycle began with her mother and her mother's mother. Diane only hoped she could break this cycle before this disease gets worse.

Once Diane began her journey towards her home town, Jason called.

" Baby, where are you?" he asked groggily, letting her know he just woke up.

" Umm driving right now" Diane still had the opportunity to turn around.

" Where are you going? You're going to be back before noon right? They are going to get Adrienne walking so she won't get another blood clot. One of the nurses came in to tell us that."Jason explained.

"I'll try to get back in time depending on traffic." Diane took a pause. "Baby I can't lie to you. I'm headed to Haxville  to see my mother."

Diane waited for Jason to say something. She expected him to convince her not to go. She expected him to say that it wasn't necessary for her to drive 2 hours to the town she dreaded going to for years. Well maybe that's what she wanted to hear.

"Okay baby, be careful. You call me if you need me. You know I have people everywhere in case there's trouble. I have Adrienne for today."

" You know I will. I have you on speed dial."

" You better." he chuckled. " I love you, baby"

" I love you, more"

Once the call ended, her anxiety increased but it was nothing compared to the anxiety she felt when she was only ten minutes to her final exit to Haxville. Her once consistent fast speed reduced to a measly 25 mph in a 55 mph zone. Cars around eagerly passed her, some honked their horn in frustration while some completely ignored her as if they understood her dread in exiting the freeway. Now that ten minutes to her final exit turned into ten minutes to her final destination. The once crowded roads became only her and a guy on the tractor. The guy urged her to go around him since he can barely go 15 mph on his old tractor but Diane was content in trailing behind.

She looked around as she continued trailing behind and instantly felt a sense of familiarity. The fields were covered with the season's crops not one inch uncovered. The scent of springtime and animals tickled her nose.

Spring time.

The season of growth.

Diane only hoped to grow from this. Grant it, shit is the best fertilizer but what exactly was she fertilizing by driving all the way out here. She will have to find out.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz