Chapter 42

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Excuse mistakes

What was I supposed to do? 

You're a fucking coward Adrienne.

If you would have said something in the first place maybe all this wouldn't be happening. 

Who am I kidding? 

I would still be pregnant. 

Derek would still be a cheater.

I would still be in pain.

I would still be ugly.

I would still be selfish.

And I would still be alone.

Alone. Dealing with this mess I created. I was in mess before the attack so it didn't change anything but intensify this emptiness I feel. 

Battered. Scarred. Yet life lived inside me. 

A baby.

A baby that has a mother who is damaged, unlearned, and defeated. A mother who still yet doesn't know who she is or wants to be. A mother who has somehow already followed into her own parentals footsteps.

My so called father was a liar and now I've become one. I am stubborn like my mother. Naively taken on every afflictions and suppressing down deep within.

I should know better but I've been cursed from the very start.

Cursed with this continued cycle of pain and confusion.


" You sure you want to go to school, honey?" Diane asked as she combed Adrienne's hair with her hands. Adrienne was sitting at the table with her siblings eating breakfast. Charity and the twins were all smiles ready for the school day.

"I'm sure." Adrienne softly answered as she picked at her food. " I can't miss anymore school as it is."

" You call me if you start feeling bad okay?" She rubbed her back in comfort before standing next to Jason to give this big announcement they wanted everyone present for. Apparently they were going to announce yesterday but Adrienne disappeared then decided against saying anything once  Adrienne got sick.

" Okay kiddos, quiet down. Mommy and I have something to say now that everyone is present." Jason stated smiling ear to ear. 

" Well first and foremost, I love each and everyone of you. I am proud to call you guys my family."

" we love you too daddy." Charity gushed as she looked up at him.

" Oh I love you too pumpkin. And I love your mother very much so much in fact that I couldn't wait to marry her."

Charity and Adrienne's eyes bugged out while the twins looked at their parents to tell this big announcement. Charity started cheering and got up to hug her parents.

Diane giggled at Charity's excitement. She thought Charity would have a different reaction considering she had been making her wedding dress for the past month and a half.

" huh what happened?" Michael asked confused.

" Yeah what's the big news?"Marcus cosided.

" Mommy and Daddy are married." Charity explained once the screaming subdued.

" Yay we are a real family now" Marcus shouted as both him and Michael joined Charity in the screaming and dancing.

" Yes. We went to the courthouse to file for a marriage license after lunch. We were not planning on getting married yesterday but when they asked if we wanted to get married right there. And we didn't hesitate in saying yes." Diane gushed as she looked at her now husband lovingly.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now