Chapter 47

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In a cold sweat.

That's how I wake up when I don't wake up next to you.

All alone.

That's how I feel when I can't dream of you.

Such a fool.

Is who I am for hurting you.

Pure agony.

Is what I feel when I know I can't be with you.

"Baby, don't you hear me talking to you." Derek was snapped out of thoughts. He was sitting at his kitchen island in his condo with a bear in his hands. His eyes trailed slowly up her milky tanned legs as her back was facing towards him. She was only wearing one of his shirts leaving all her assets exposed as she comfortably moved around the kitchen making his lunch.

" I swear you need to get your hearing checked. I've been telling you need to get checked out by a doctor regularly, if you're going to keep taking fights like this without much rest. You promised me you would slow down..."

Adrienne swiftly turned around and snapped at Derek for not paying her any attention. Her sudden movements made Derek look up at her face.

" I'm sorry I got distracted." Derek said with a smirk. Adrienne rolled her eyes as she turned to finish making Derek's sandwich.

"No need to be sorry. I'm just the wife you sleep with when it's convenient." Adrienne snarkly said. She forcibly placed his plate of food in front of him with an attitude.

" Aye cut it out. I said I was sorry. What I can't look at you now ? I can't help but admire your beautiful ass with your titties flopping around and shit"

Derek eagerly took a bite of his sandwich since he hadn't eaten that day. He had a long day of meetings and training. He had another huge fight booked for the next month even though he just fought two weeks before.

Adrienne just looked at him putting her attitude on display with her arms crossed and scowl on her face.

"What the hell do you want Adrienne? You've been nagging me ever since I walked in the door." Derek put his food to the side giving Adrienne his undivided attention. He watched as she walked around the island to be face to face with him.

" I want you to give a damn, Derek. We had an appointment with Angel's doctor and you missed it."

" That was today?" Derek sighed realizing his mistake but pissed off that Adrienne didn't just say that from the beginning.

" Yes, today. It was clearly on the schedule. Angel's ear transplant appointment at 10:30am and Angel's dietary appointment at 11:45am. You told me to make the appointments back to back like this so you could be there. If you would have answered your phone you would have been reminded." Adrienne fussed.

" I was busy. I'll make sure to make the next one." Derek said simply about digging into his sandwich again.

" That's it?"

" What else do you want me to say? I was busy. Something you would get used to being if you would get off your ass." Derek retorted as he looked around the junky apartment. There was dirty laundry and toys everywhere. Adrienne had her text books on the kitchen table with mountains of baby bottles on top." I shouldn't be the only one working my ass off trying to pay off these medical bills. We had a deal. I work and you take care of the house. I shouldn't have to come home to this."

" Are you serious? Derek, I can't believe you right now. Do you know how hard it is to take care of a child? Nonetheless a child that is allergic to practically everything but my damn breast. But I can't feed her enough. It's hard trying to figure out when is the best time to give her medicine because I'm afraid she would just throw it up anyway. You don't have to hear her screams when she's afraid because she can't hear her mother say it's okay. I try hard to get through school and take care of her at the same time. The least you can do is show up." Adrienne was fed up but so was Derek. They were both doing the best they could.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now