Chapter 53

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I changed Max age for plot purposes lol

Chapter 53

" She's 19, Jason. I don't know how I missed my mother being pregnant, but I did."

Diane was sitting across from Jason with a cup of coffee in her hands. Jason had summoned her to the hospital's cafeteria after the tensions of Maxine's presence grew. Everyone wanted to know who she was but didn't ask. They unintentionally treated her awkwardly by ignoring her. Well, it wasn't like they weren't nice to her, just cautious. Plus, Kevin could not help but flirt with her.

" You knowing that she was pregnant or not wouldn't have changed anything, baby. You said it yourself, your mother was not in a mindset of taking care of a baby. She was a drunk, Diane"

" She took care of me," Diane said, suddenly getting defensive. " I could have helped her."

" Come on now babe. You were twelve. What could you have possibly done to help her? I hate to admit it, but your mother was right in giving her up. It shows she is not as fucked up as we think."

Diane scoffed and sat back in her seat. She twiddled with her fingers as she thought about the possibility of having to take Maxine in. She wasn't trying to make excuses for her mother but she just wished she had a chance to be in Maxine's life. Like any child that comes in this world, they are innocent.

" Don't you find it strange that she shows up here? I mean I get it she's your sister but she doesn't know you from a can of paint and she shows up to the hospital like a lost baby" Jason asked.

" Apparently I'm not that hard to find considering my mother has been knowing where I was for years and didn't say a word about it." Diane explained with a shrug. She noticed Jason's uneasiness about the whole situation and decided to ease his mind.

"If it makes you feel any better. I had Helena look into it and ordered a DNA testI. Max was all for it since she desperately wants to know who she is and where she comes from. That child had to watch both her parents suffer and die alone before anyone had the decency to offer a hand, Including my so-called father of mine, who is supposed to be her dear Uncle Frank. "

Jason sighed and grabbed onto Diane's hands and squeezed. " I trust you babe and I'll support you in all this. I just don't want all this drama to get the best of you. You already have to deal with Adrienne, the kids, Derek not being around, and Andre punk ass..."

" What does Andre have to do with anything?" Diane gave Jason a puzzled look. Andre hasn't been mentioned since he went to prison. She believed that was over and done.

Jason hesitated in answering. He completely forgot to tell her that he and Boss Man paid him a visit. " Andre wants a hand in helping with the case in exchange for having contact privileges with Adrienne."

" Hell the fuck no. You said no, right?" Diane's voice rose as she squeezed Jason's hand. When Jason didn't answer right away, she dropped his hand and turned away from him.

" You said yes, didn't you? Can't you solve this without him?  What kind of information can he give you that I can't"  Diane semi-yelled.

People began to pay attention to them as the once quiet couple became interesting. " Babe, lower your voice. And I didn't say yes, I said I would consider it if the information was good."

" You should have told him hell no and to go fuck himself. What does he want with my baby anyway? He made it clear he didn't want anything to do with her and now that he's in prison for life he wants to be her father? You the daddy now. She doesn't need his ass."

" I know that's right." Some random older lady said who was sitting close by. Noticing that she had said that out loud she quickly shushed herself and apologized.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now