Chapter 27

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Warning: There's going to be a lot of flashbacks. ( Probably in Part 2)



A Month ago

  Beauty has its many forms. It's qualities are unique yet familiar. Beauty stimulates and give pleasure to the mind from its radiance. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. Diane has been told many of  times that she was beautiful but sometimes she didn't feel it.

Diane and Jason were laid up in bed. They had just got done making love. Now Diane laid there vulnerable at the realization that she experienced her first real pleasurable moments with a man she really cared about. She cried at the attention she was getting from Jason. With one look from Jason with his eyes filled with adoration and love, he called her beautiful and instantly she felt like the only woman in the world.

" How are you feeling?" Jason asked. His arms were wrapped her body as she laid on his chest.

" Like I'm dreaming." Diane sighed as she took a moment to collect her thoughts. " I think all this time I've been longing to feel good, you know? To feel beautiful."

"You've always been beautiful, baby."

" But to feel it, it feels magical. It feels..." Diane stopped since she started to feel like she wasn't making any sense. To have beauty means to be cherished but she never was handled so delicately like Jason was with her.

" Why me?" Diane questioned as she peered up at him.

" Why not you? Just like the sun in a world full of darkness you give me a reason to rise" Jason question back as he gave her a gentle smile. " What did you want to be when you were younger?"

" What?" She laughed nervously.

" Go back to when you were a child, What did you want to be growing up?"

" A dancer. In fact that was my nickname growing up." Diane said reminiscing at the good old days before her life changed.

" Well let's think of Life as a Dance. You move your body to the music. The music might change, you may lose your footing, you might get lost, you might even step on some toes along the way. The music might even stop, but you are the Dancer baby and no one can take away the melody in your head or heart. Not every Dance is supposed to be perfect. There's beauty in imperfections and you Diane are a beautiful dancer."

Diane wiped her eyes as she took in Jason's words. " I love you."

" And I Love you"

" This probably be a good time to tell you that I got arrested for dancing on top of a cop car while wearing a bright red two piece singing Bad boys."

" bruh what the hell?" Jason gave a hearty laugh while trying to suppress his laughter in Diane's neck.

" I was so drunk. I might have smoked a lil something too. It's not even funny" Diane explained.

" Yeah don't tell anybody else that."




Jason sped his way towards club Dynasty. Him and his team were prepared for anything to go down. They have already contacted the FBI just in case if they needed back up.

"Call lil Fashionista" he said to the voice activated bluetooth system in his car. 

"Calling Lil Fashionista pink heart emoji" the car repeated.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat