Chapter 44

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So Today was a good day of writing.


Chapter 44


Happy is an understatement. Diane was beyond thrilled to be finally married. Grant it, nothing much changed other than her name and her access to endless possibilities, yet she felt validated. Many people may think that marriage is just a piece of paper but to Diane it meant the world.

" Baby?" Jason called out with a shout from downstairs.

" Yeah?" Diane could hear Jason footsteps coming up the stairs so she remained in her spot.

Diane was in the middle of collecting laundry from the kids rooms while Jason was supposed to be getting ready to go back to work. Today was the day Jason was initially supposed to be back at the automotive shop after spending a lot of time getting Diane back on her feet but Jason was making a lot of excuses not to go.

" You know what I was thinking?" Jason said walking into the boys room where Diane was currently. Jace was in the room as well undoing the progress his mama has made with the laundry.

" Why don't I just stay home for like a month... Why are you shaking your head no."

" Because you're going back to the shop and you are going to take Helena up on that offer as a consultant with the feds." Diane said matter of factly. She took the clothes baby Jace was messing with and picked up Jace to put him in his crib with some plushies to distract him.

" First off, how do you know the feds want me as a consultant? And two the feds don't need little ole me they're the feds and third I know you are not trying to get rid of me girl."

Jason's hands found their way to Diane's waist as he pulled her close. " Not trying to get rid of you but don't you think it's time to get back into routine instead of sitting around pretending we don't have bills. Jace is starting early development Pre- K and Day care and I'm going back on the Job hunt." Diane explained.

Diane was tired of being in the house all day. She was a hustler by nature so being out of Job these past months made her feel off.

" Baby you saw my bank statements. We can pretend like we don't have bills to pay for a very long time. Plus baby I own the shop, off days mean nothing to me. You should rest for a couple more weeks so we will know for sure your blood pressure is under control"

" So that's not my money, I want to be able to provide something for the family instead of sitting on my behind. You got this whole family treating me like I'm handicapped and I'm not. I'm very much capable of doing this laundry here. You know the twins had the nerve to try to stop me from punishing them for talking back in school because they didn't want to stress me out."

Diane nudged Jason away so she could pick up the laundry basket. She picked it up then put it right back down with how heavy it was. She looked up at Jason who was sporting his all knowing look. She hadn't gained all her strength back yet. If she was being honest the medication she was taking to regulate her blood pressure made her extremely tired. The mini workouts she was doing everyday were progressive, meaning that each level of workouts were gradually building her energy and strength.

" Let's not rush this Diane. I know you want to get back to being superwoman and you still are, don't get me wrong but you can't be a superwoman if you don't have all your strength. So as Your personal Superman, please let me take care of you a little while longer."

" I can't lose my independence, Jason..." Diane trailed off as she made her way to Adrienne's room to grab her laundry.

" I'm not asking you to. " Jason said matter of factly as he followed her with the laundry basket in hand. " I'm asking you to take your time, baby. You're not in this alone. You can lean on me as we get through this together."

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें