Chapter 36

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Worried was an Understatement. Everyone was beyond worried. Diane was stable in the hospital getting the necessary fluids and rest she needs. Doctors were able access that there was a minor strain on Diane's heart. Doctors believed that stress had put a strain on her heart causing her to have heart attack like symptoms, especially with all the panic. They also said that if she didn't come in when she did there would have been a possible blockage of blood flow to her heart. The doctors want to put her on blood pressure medicine, which Diane wasn't happy about. It's hard to get off blood pressure medicine once you start, so as a compromise her and a doctors came up with a health plan and will monitor her blood pressure for six months. If nothing improves than blood pressure medicine will have to do. They also found out that the pregnancy test were all false positives. Her body was giving off mixed signals due to the stress her body was growing through.

All of it was good news but there was still was worry in her heart. No matter how much she tried to stop worrying, she couldn't. She couldn't help but notice Jason's face when they told him she wasn't pregnant. That same look he gave when he found out Jace was not biologically his. He wanted a baby of his own. A baby that would share the same features as him. A baby to carry out his bloodline. There was no doubt in Diane's mind that Jason will treat and love her kids like they were his own no matter if they had another baby or not, However she knew she would not be able to mentally carry another child. Now with this scare of high blood pressure and a heart attack, she only wanted to handle one thing at a time.

Amongst other things to worry about was the fact that Jason is avoiding telling her that Adrienne didn't come home last night. He didn't have to tell her anything. She knows her child. And because she knows her child, she needed to open up to her before she lose Adrienne completely. 

" Go home" Diane said groggily as she shifted off of Jason who managed to squeeze his big behind in the hospital bed with her. Nurse Angela held up her promise and got Jason as soon as Diane was stabled. She also put word out for the other nurses to allow him to stay with her in her room.

" You trying to get rid of me already? We just got back together" Jason joked. 

" The kids will be up in a couple hours and I'm not getting out of here any time soon." Diane said softly. The two actually never talked about getting back together. Jason had tried to apologize so many times but honestly Diane had forgiven him a long time ago. They might as well be together because neither one of them want to spend anymore time apart.

Jason sighed " I know what that means. Let me go see about our babies." Jason got out of bed to put his shirt back on. Diane couldn't help but to admire his physique. The monitor that was monitoring Diane's vitals began to beep then stopped when her heart rate went back down.

Jason bust out laughing as he saw Diane's flushed face. " You betta quit undressing me with your eyes before the nurse come in here again." He said referring to when the nurse came in thinking that Diane was in distress but really she was daydreaming while Jason was in the shower. Diane and Jason laughed.

"Jason?" Diane said softly getting Jason's attention once their laughing died down. He sat down in the chair that was closest to the bed  and got closer giving her his undivided attention.

"If anything ever happens to me..."

" Ain't nothing going to happen to you baby. This was just a scare." He interrupted. Diane shut him up by taking his face into her hands.

" If anything ever happens to me promise me you won't give up on Adrienne. You and the kids stick together as a family always."

" Nothing is going to happen baby. I promise you that. We're going to eat right, exercise, and all the other things the doctor said to do." Jason stated. He didn't like this kind of talk.

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