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credit to wotamelonsugar on tumblr

description: Y/N is sick and Harry takes care of her.

word count: 731


She was wrapped around the thickest blanket on her couch, watching some film she couldn't even focus on

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She was wrapped around the thickest blanket on her couch, watching some film she couldn't even focus on. The noise from the TV faded in the background as she closed her eyes. Her eyes hurt and her throat was sore. She was sure she was having a fever.

She grunted uneasily as she tried to get up and reach for the glass of water on the coffee table. Her body ached. She felt like crying. Harry wasn't home yet and all she wanted to do is cuddle with her boyfriend and fall in a dreamless slumber. However, as the clock ticked away on her wall, Harry never appeared and her eyelids fluttered shut. She slept awfully, every now and then she coughed and felt cold- she kept waking up.

For the last time, she pushed away the fabric from her and reached for the glass. Unfortunately, as soon as her fingers brushed against it, it stumbled and the water spilled everywhere.

Y/N looked at the mess, the frustration boiling in her. She bit her lips harshly, her eyes welling up with hot tears. She threw her head back against the couch. She glanced at the TV and squinted. The light emitting from it seemed too bright. She reached for the remote control and pressed the power button. Covering her head under the blanket, she released a shaky painful sigh.


Harry twisted the doorknob open, making his way inside the house. It was dark and cold. He made his way to the living room, looking for Y/N. He noticed the silhouette of the covered figure and walked towards his girlfriend. Her labored breaths gave away her suffering.

"Baby?" He muttered. He heard her sniffle and his heart broke.

"Are you okay?"

She moved a little bit and uncovered her face. From the dim moonlight seeping through the windows, Harry saw how tired and sick she looked.

"It- it hurts," she croaked.

Harry caressed her soft cheek, wiping away the tears.

"Come on we'll get you to bed," he said and placed his arms under Y/N's legs, picking her up bridal style.

Y/N nuzzled her head on his shoulder, his skin feeling like a heater. She relished his warmth and closed her eyes contentedly.

"Where does it hurt, baby?" Harry gently put her on the bed, brushing away the hair covering her face. He covered her with the comforter and sat beside her.

"Everywhere. But my shoulders really hurt."

Harry kissed her forehead tenderly. "Lie on your stomach, I'll massage your shoulders."

Y/N turned around and let Harry do his magic work.

"You're an angel, Harry." she hummed, turning her head to look at Harry. The golden light from the lamp on the nightstand lit his face and Y/N was amazed by how surreal he looked.

Harry smiled softly. "Anything for you."

Neither of them knows how they would survive without each other. Even thinking about her leaving him brings tears to his eyes. It's crazy how someone who didn't mean anything to him years ago managed to tiptoe their way to his heart and mean so much to him.

Harry hadn't realized he had stopped moving his hands until Y/N spoke. "What are you thinking about Harry?"

He laid down on the bed and wrapped his arms around her. "I don't want to lose you."

"You won't." Y/N cupped his cheeks, running her thumb over his lips.

"I love you,"

"I love you more," he responded moving to plant a kiss on her lips.

"I'm sick!"

"So what? Gimme a smooch!" He whined, pouting.

Y/N giggled, shaking her head.

"No?" Harry rose his eyebrows. "Well, I'll take it myself." He captured her lips in a soft kiss, her lips brushing his delicately, long enough for her to inhale his warmth and to take in his scent- home.

"Have you eaten?" He asked after pulling away. Y/N shivered at the lack of warmth.


"Okay stay here."

Harry got up and left for the kitchen, leaving Y/N touching her lips, smiling as if it were the first time they had kissed.

He came back after some time, with hot soup and painkillers.

"Dinner for my lady!"

"Thanks, Harry." Y/N sat up and looked up at him with puppy eyes.

"Feed me?"

Harry rolled his eyes playfully. "You're lucky I love you."

credit to wotamelonsugar on tumblr

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