The Girl From The Crowd (1)

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credit to itslikeipayforit on tumblr

description: the one where Harry see Y/N's nudes on stage.

word count: 1.9k


It was dark

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It was dark. It was hot. It was loud. It was wild. It was sweaty. People were singing. They were jumping and dancing all together in no definite sync. There were cheers with each song. And there was him singing 'Kiwi' on stage with all of his heart.

Y/N stood in the crowd with her camera in her hand trying to capture every moment of the best day of her life as she sang along with him.

'Kiwi' finally ended as the music died down and everyone could tell he was about to talk to them.

"How are you guys doing?" Harry asked as he got a loud cheer from the crowd.

He took long but slow strides towards the aisle Y/N was standing.

"I really hope you guys are having a good time like I am," he said looking around the whole arena. "It is an absolute honor to perform for you guys here tonight and just be able to do the things I love."

"It's all because of you so Thank you so so muc-" Harry was cut short as he dodged the camera that was thrown at him.

Y/N didn't know what just happened, one second her camera - for which she skipped her night outs and did extra shifts for about a year- was in her hand and second it was being snatched by her best friend, Lyanna and was thrown on stage. She was too shocked to do anything, she just looked at Lyanna dumb founded. However, her friend paid her no attention, she was busy cheering for Harry.

Y/N looked up hearing Harry's voice boom through the speaker.

"That's a camera," Harry said amused as he searched the crowd for the owner and soon he's eyes fell on Y/N's dumb founded face.

"Is this camera yours?" Y/N's eyes were wide like an owl. She couldn't believe it. Harry. Harry Styles, was talking directly to her. Y/N just nodded her head as she didn't trust herself to utter a single 'yes'.

"Don't you have pictures in that, don't you need them?" he gestured to the camera.

Y/N somehow got herself together as she said 'it was her' gesturing to her friend.

Harry chuckled as he looked at Lyanna. "It's not very nice to throw your friends camera at someone."

"Wait, I'll get it for you," he told Y/N strolling towards the camera which had landed just a couple of feet away from him. He turned it on as he fixed the focusing lens before clicking a picture of the crowd."It's fine," he looked at Y/N. "Can I go through it a little?" He asked.

Y/N enthusiastically nodded her head. The thought of the picture she took last night didn't even cross her mind. She was just happy for the attention he was giving her and she wanted it more.

𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 / Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now