Bonus 2

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    Since Mingyu is a famous CEO and all, he has to deal with all the risks that come with it. Which includes the stalkers who have tried to follow him before.

  So he had hired a personal body gaurd to help with that issue and the help protect Wonwoo. But apparently he must have forgot that he had a fiance. Or that Wonwoo was his fiance.

  Because it was around 7 am on a Wednesday morning when Wonwoo woke up. "Babe, we need to get up soon." Wonwoo said softly as he shook his sleeping fiance.

"5 more minutes please." Mingyu groaned his deep morning voice ringing throughout the walls. He pulled Wonwoo back into his chest as he placed a kiss on his head.

"Fine but I'm getting coffee. Enjoy your 5 minutes." Wonwoo said with his equally deep morning voice as he pried himself out of Mingyu's tight grip.

He made his way to the kitchen unaware of the person sitting near the window reading files. But he caught sight of Wonwoo immediately.

"Woah woah! Freeze! You can't be in here!" The guys said leaping to his feet whipping out a gun? They seriously trusted this kid with a gun? Alone?

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Wonwoo asked. 'And how did he not know who I am? Or who I'm engaged too?' He thought.

"Shut up! I'm Lee Minho, Kim Mingyu's personal body gaurd. And your trespassing on private property! Now put your hands up, and DON'T MOVE!" Minho yelled.

"Can I have coffee first?" Wonwoo sighed but flinched when Minho yelled at him again. God he still hated when people yelled at him.

But in the back of his mind he was laughing. This Minho kid had no idea what he was doing but Wonwoo decided just to play along.

"I don't know how you got past security or past me. But surely the Boss will take care of you when he gets out here." Minho said not lowering his gun.

And speak of the boss, Mingyu tiredly stumbled his way out of their bedroom, thankfully but snapped fully awake once he saw the scene infront of him. "What's going on here?!" Mingyu asked furiously looking from a angry Minho to a slightly scared Wonwoo.

"I'm so sorry Boss. I just caught him going through your cupboards. I don't know how he got in here. But I assure you security will deal with this-" Minho said.

But Mingyu was paying no attention to Minho as he immediately goes to Wonwoo and cups his face. "Are you okay baby? Are you hurt?" Mingyu asked tracing his thumb over Wonwoo's cheeks.

"I'm okay. Just a bit shaken up, I still don't like getting yelled at." Wonwoo whispered the last part. "I'm so sorry baby. It wont happen again I promise." Mingyu said pecking his lips.

"I'm sorry, am I missing something?" Minho asked as the 2 turned to him. "Yes you did." Mingyu said holding up Wonwoo hand to show Minho, Wonwoo's matching engagement ring.

"I assume you haven't met my Fiance? Jeon Wonwoo. The lawyer." Mingyu said calmly as the color drained from Minho's face as he dropped the gun.

"I apologize sir. I was not aware that your fiance was male." Minho bowed as Mingyu ignored him and turned back to Wonwoo.

"Baby what do want me to do? I will fire him right now." Mingyu said with full honestly. "We can hold another full interview, find someone else. Together." Mingyu said.

"Get this kid some proper training and don't trust him with a gun." Wonwoo answered instead. Mingyu nodded and sent Minho on his way to do some extra training.

"Well let me make it up to you? Let me treat you to breakfast Where do you want to go?" Mingyu asked taking Wonwoo's hands in his.

"Is it too much to visit Italy for brunch with the Joshua and Dk?" Wonwoo asked with a sly smile. "Anything for you baby." Mingyu kissed Wonwoo's nose as he grabbed his keys.

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