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The ending is near folks.

The end of summer rolled up, and by the time they knew. They had less than a week left. All the boys were packed up, ready to leave for school.

Before they knew it, one of the many sad days approached. The day the day The8 and Jun would fly back to China for school.

"This is the only time y'all are getting me up at 7am this morning." Seungkwan sighed as they all sat down at a bench infront of their gate.

"I'm going to miss you guys." Jun smiled as Hoshi hugged him tightly. "We are still gonna keep in contact of course." Hoshi added.

"We'll facetime you from the statue of liberty." Seungkwan brags as Vernon rolls his eyes at his boyfriend. "Wait you can film in the statue of liberty?" He asked Vernon.

"You got a lot to learn about New York sweetie." Vernon pinched the youngers cheek. The cute moment was interrupted by the overhead intercom voice.

"Flight Gate B to Shanghai, China. Now boarding." The voice said as the other boys all started at Jun and The8 sadly.

"Promise you'll be back for all of our birthdays, every holiday, and vacation you guys get." Dino lectured.

"Ofcourse." The8 smiled as he picked up the youngest into a tight hug. "We'll miss you Dino." Jun smiled ruffling Dino's hair.

The8 exchanged long hugs with Mingyu and Dk, his fellow 97 liner friends. Despite their arguments the 3 got along well and were equally as close.

Wonwoo surprisingly cried hard as he tackled Jun into a tight hug. As the other 96 liners joined the hug. They had to quickly wrap up their goodbyes so the 2 could board the plane.

"I love you guys." The8 whispered as they all shared one last group hug, before Jun grabbed The8's hand as they made their way to boarding their flight.


The next sad event was Verkwan leaving. Seungkwan cried the whole time, despite promising he would stay strong and not cry.

"Be safe Sol." Seungcheol said as he held Vernon tightly in his arms. "Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you so much." Seungcheol pulled away slightly, as he wiped his tears.

"I'm going to miss you, but I'll be back." Vernon smiled as he hugged Seungcheol once again. They both turned to see Seungkwan clinging onto Jeonghan and Joshua both.

"Have fun in New York Seungkwan. Remember who you are and never let that go. We will always love you." Jeonghan said softly as he placed a kiss on Seungkwan's forehead.

After 2 of the youngests say goodbye to the others, their flight number was called. None of them wanted this moment to end but it had too.

"Till we meet again!" Seungkwan and Vernon shouted as Vernon held up a peace sign and Seungkawn blew them all air kisses.

"We'll meet again!" The others shouted back as they waves goodbye to the 2 as they enter the runway to their flight to New York.

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