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  2 days later Jeonghan and his friends + Seungcheol were at the train station. It was the day Jeonghan would have to leave.

  "It's just not right." Jeonghan said hugging him mom so tightly, afraid she'd disappear completely if he let go.

  "I know baby. I wish I could do something. But you know at the moment, we're financially unstable so. There isn't much we can do." She said stroking his head.

  "But I promise. I will do everything I can, to try and bring you back." She promised. Jeonghan nodded and brought her into another hug.

  "I love you mom." He whispered.

  "I love you too, sweetie." She whispered her voice breaking slightly, as warm tears flowed down her cheeks.

  Jeonghan pulled away to face his friends. Dino immediately tackled him into a hug. "D-D-Dino nugu a-a-aegi?" Jeonghan asked and Dino started crying even more.

  "Jeonghan-hyung's aegi!" He choked out and Jeonghan just held their youngest tighter.

  "I'm so sorry I have to leave you Dino. I'm going to miss you. But don't worry you'll still be something for your birthday, and " Jeonghan sighed and Dino nodded.

  "Even national baby day?" Dino whispered and Jeonghan chuckled lightly. "Even national baby day."

   "I'll miss you." Dino says pulling away and wiping his tears away. Jeonghan smiled and turned to Seungkwan and Hoshi.

  "Awe, come here you big babies."  Jeonghan said pulling the 2 into a comforting hug as the 2 emotional members cried on his shoulder.

"I promise I'll be back." Jeonghan says as he wipes away their neverending tears. He turned to The8 who wouldn't bring himself to look up. Despite Jeonghan still being a bit angry for all the hurtful things Vivio said about them. He loved The8 nonetheless

"Hao, while I'm gone I need to to promise me something." Jeonghan whispered, The8 looked up and nodded.

"Never change yourself for anyone. No matter what." Jeonghan whispers as he pulls The8 into a hug. The8 hugged the older back tightly.

  "I'll miss you." Mingyu smiles as he hugged Jeonghan. Jeonghan couldn't contain his laughter when Mingyu picked him up. Jeonghan wrapped his legs around Mingyu.

  "I'll miss you too." Jeonghan smiled as he hopped down. He then faced one of the many reasons leaving was painful for him.


The had been friends their whole lives which makes this already so much harder. The 2 share eye contact, no words needed to be said as they fell into eachother arms.

  "What am I supposed to do without you han?" Joshua sobbed as the 2 sank to the floor still clinging onto eachother.

"Your strong. You'll be fine, I promise." Jeonghan said trying to stay strong. "I won't be gone forever. I'll run back here if I have to. I won't leave you guys!" Jeonghan says as he pulls away to lean his forehead against Joshua's

  "But you got to take care of the others." Jeonghan asked and Joshua nodded. Jeonghan trusted him. "When you do come back..." Joshua sighed.

  "You know where to find me."

Jeonghan nodded and hugged his bestfriend once again.

  Jeonghan then locked eyes with Seungcheol. He wore his heart broke all over again. Seungcheol grabbed Jeonghan by his waist and pulled him in for a kiss. Nothing was needy or rushed, but all trying to sputter out everything their voices cannot.

  "This is not the end of us. We're still players in the game. Think of this as a little challenge alright?" Jeonghan said and Seungcheol nodded. That's all he could do.

He was angry.

He wanted nothing more than to actually punch that man who has the audacity to call himself Jeonghan's father. But he didn't show it. All he focused on was Jeonghan.

"I'll wait for you. As long as it takes." Seungcheol says tears prickling his eyes. Jeonghan smiles and kisses his head.

Jeonghan's attention was pulled over to the trian pulling into the station. He watched all the other people exit the trian and news entering.

  Jeonghan shared one final group hug with his friends and one more kiss with Seungcheol, before he grabbed his bags and entered the car.

  It was at that moment, when he sat down, that he couldn't hold it anymore. He got up an ran. Ran to the door he came from.

He was almost there.

But wasn't there fast enough.

Right as he made it to the door. It shut, trapping him inside the train.

  There was no going back.

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