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Jeongcheol and Seoksoo where the next to leave for school. Even though, because they were still staying in Seoul, it was easier for the 4 of them to come back and visit. It was still sad seeing them leave.

"Be safe! Don't cause to much trouble. I'm trusting you 2 with Jeonghan and Joshua." Woozi lectured Seungcheol and Dk. "Oh whatever, come here." Woozi smiled as he pulled to 2 into a hug.

"Don't piss of Woozi too much. I have no idea how many guitars are going to be at your school so be aware." Joshua said to Hoshi.

"I'll be fine. Good luck in school Hyung's." Hoshi said to the 95 liners. "And you." Hoshi said to Dk. "I want a VIP ticket invitation to your first college party!" Hoshi said and Dk nodded.

"Ofcourse, you'll be the first one I call." Dk said hugging Hoshi tightly

"That's are call come on." Jeonghan said as he and Joshua got into Jeonghan's car. As Dk and Seungcheol climbed into  Seungcheol brand new car that he got for a graduation present.

"Well be back kids! Love you all!" Seungcheol waved as they pulled out of the driveway and into the main road off to their school.


Mingyu and Wonwoo left after they got their party. Junhao and Verkwan both on face time just to nag the 2 about living up to being the power couple Seungkwan envisioned.

"Well if you guys get sued or something, give me a call. But like wait 4-5 years or so." Wonwoo teased. "Awe 4-5 of no crime?! That's too long to wait!" Vernon pouted.


"You ready?" Hoshi asked Woozi as they stood infront of their school. "I'm so ready." Woozi said taking Hoshi's hand in his. He stood up on his tippy toes and pecked Hoshi cheek.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Hoshi yelled as he gripped onto the strap of his bag, as he ran to the front entrance.

"Wait for me!" Woozi shouted as he clutched his bag and guitar as he ran to catch up with his boyfriend.


Dino was the last one to enroll into his school. He stood at the front entrance nervously, he looked around at all the other students who seemed to all have friends already.

He heard a long honk from a cat directed towards them. He turns to see Jeonghan in his car. "Did you think id miss sending our makanae off to college?" Jeonghan asked.

Dino smiled widely as he ran back to the parking lot and hugged Jeonghan tightly. "Thank you guys for coming!" Dino smiled.

"Of course, but you gotta take that next step over the line." Jeonghan cupped his cheek. "I'll be here watching." Jeonghan smiled.

Dino took a deep breath and nodded. He smiled once more at Jeonghan and mouthed a sweet 'thank you' and 'I love you'.

He grabbed his bag and made it to the entrance. He turned back to wave once more at Jeonghan before entering the school.

Right as he entered he was met with someone tapping his arms. "Are you Lee Chan?" The boy asked. "You are correct." Dino smiled.

"Well I'm your roommate Kim Sameul! Its nice to meet you! Wanna walk with me? I can help you with your stuff." Samuel said already taking one of Dino's bag.

What surprised Dino was what Sameul did next. "Come on." Sameul said holding out his arm for Dino to link with his.

Just like Jeonghan did with Joshua

Dino's face flashed bright pink at the boy and his cuteness, as he links his arms with Sameul.


"How was dropping of Dino?" Joshua asked as Jeonghan arrives back at their dorm room. Joshua sitting on his bed tuning his guitar.

"He's growing up too fast. But he's ready." Jeonghan said leaning on his own bed. But thier comfortable silence was cut off by a crash from Seungcheol and Dk's room right infront of them.

"Hey shua." Jeonghan called out as he recalled all the memories from the past few months ever since he met Seungcheol.

The so called Bad Boy

"I told you I knew what to do with trouble."

Thank you all so much for reading Bad Boy!♡

Don't worry this isn't the official end, I got 2 more chapters left. And one MORE SUPRISE!

But thank you all so much for reading  this book! I hope you have enjoyed it so far!

Love you all!♡♡

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