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  It was another clear day at the library, for Wonwoo and there he was, standing on a ladder shelving books again.
  He tensed when he felt someone taze his sides. He would have fallen if it wasn't for him gripping the sides of the ladder so hard his knuckles turned white.

  "What the hell Mingyu!" Wonwoo glared at the taller who was hysterically laughing. "Sorry!" Mingyu said throwing up his hands in surrender.

  "What are you doing here?" Wonwoo asked placing another book on the shelf.  Mingyu held up the book he had check back. Mingyu hadn't had a chance to put the book down, because damn it was a good one.

  "There's a lady up at the check out desk. She'll help you turn it in." Wonwoo told Mingyu who crossed his arms with a pout.

  "But I specifically came here to see you!" Mingyu exclaimed and Wonwoo exhaled deeply. 'Dear lord save me!' He thought.

  "Fine but I still have to shelve the rest of these books. Than I can go on break." Wonwoo promotted and Mingyu agreed to help.

  "Ooh romance. Color pink." Mingyu handed Wonwoo the book. The libray system here wasn't to complex. Books are organized by genre and are color coordinated.

   "I hate romance books." Wonwoo scrunched his nose up in disgust.

  "What's wrong with romantic love stories?" Mingyu asked pretending to be hurt.

  "They are all the same. They meet, catch feelings. Some drama. Then confession. Then they get married." Wonwoo said.

  "So in conclusion. Roses are dead, love is fake, and weddings are basically funerals with cake." Wonwoo added as Mingyu couldn't contain his laughter.

  "Ok, were done. Reading time. It's my turn to pick out a book for us both." Mingyu said and Wonwoo couldn't hold back a groan when Mingyu made a beeline for the romance section.

  Ofcourse he chose the most cheesiest book he could find among the shelves. "Oh you've GOT to be kidding me!" Wonwoo sighed.

  Mingyu picked his own book and the 2 sat on the couch and began reading. For Wonwoo this wasn't 'fun' just because any romance book will most likely put his in a bad mood.

"None of this is realistic!" Wonwoo pointed out after the couple just shared this really cringey moment together.

"Just imagine tho." Mingyu laughs. "Imagine us doing some really cute stuff." Mingyu teases as he bops Wonwoo's nose.

  "Are you trying to flirt with me?" Wonwoo scrunched his nose up, as Mingyu shook his head with a chuckle.

   "I'm not flirting. I'm just being extra friendly to someone who is extra attractive." Mingyu smirked leaning closer to Wonwoo

  Wonwoo panicked as his eyes filled with fear once again.  "I think I left the faucet running." Wonwoo said nervously abruptly standing up to leave.

"Wonwoo! Don't leave!" Mingyu called out. But Wonwoo payed no attention to Mingyu as he grabbed his bag and left.

  Mingyu was not about to let Wonwoo get away this time. He grabbed his bag and umbrella and ran out after the older. To be met with a giant rain storm.

  Wonwoo didn't know if the water on his face was from the pouring rain or his own tears. Gosh he hated storms. "Wonwoo plz, its freezing outhere! Let's talk outside!" Mingyu called out.

   "There's nothing to talk about!" Wonwoo yelled back, he didn't even know why he was crying. At this moment he'd blame it on the trauma.

  "Wonwoo!" Mingyu says grabbing Wonwoo by his arm and wrapping one arm around Wonwoo's waist pulling him under the umbrella.

  "What's going on?" Mingyu asked softly. Wonwoo just stared at Mingyu.  "I'm scared." He whispered. Mingyu tightened his grip on Wonwoo slightly.

  "Of me?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo shook his head slightly.

   "Not because of you entirely."

Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now