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   Jun was walking around the school during study hall when he ended up at the dance room. He heard a Chinese song playing from a room. He peeked his head in to see a boy, he was b-boying? He was hella good at it. When the person stood up, Jun's eyes widen to who's reflection he saw in the mirror.

  It was The8. "Wow, your a good dancer." Jun says. The8 turns and locks eyes with Jun and he feels his legs go weak, The8 held and innocent look in his large doe eyes. "I'm sorry for the whole apple here thing, and judging you at first." Jun smiled and The8 nodded. "Do you not talk?" Jun asked The8 nodded.

  "Can you not do that thing with your eyes plz?" Jun said turning his head away. The8 placed his hand on Jun's cheek and turned his head back to look at The8. "I know how to make the devil cry." The8 says and Jun's eyes widen. "Yeah, I know I know." The8 shrugged running his hand through his hair as he picks up his stuff and began walking away.

  Jun acted quickly and grabbed The8's wrist. "I'm that song you skipped, and found out later was fire." The8 said walking away. "Wow." Jun gasped as he watched the door shut. "He's mine." Jun smirks determined to ruin that boys innocence.

  "Hey!" Woozi heard as he was at his locker, he turned to see a guy with red hair approaching him. "Your new right?" The guys asked and Woozi nodded. "I'm Hoshi, and If you ever need help I'm here!" Hoshi smiles. "I rather not." Woozi deadpans. "Oh, well like if you need help with homework, or if you're interested in clubs or something. I saw you looking at the music flyers." Hoshi says.

  "I sing." Woozi say. "Ooh that's cool, I sing too! I'm probably not as good as you. I tend to dance more." Hoshi says and Woozi stops him. "2 things: 1. Where have you been all my life? And  2. Can you please go back there." Woozi snaps slamming his locker before walking away. "I just wanted to make a new friend." Hoshi mutters sadly.

  Vernon was on a mission, he wanted to find that Seungkwan boy. He didn't know why but he did. He however found him by the vending machine talking with a girl. "Seungkwan!" Vernon called out and Seungkawn turned to him. Seungkwan sighed and whispered something to the girl, she nodded and waved goodbye.

  "Why am I not suprised your here. A snack with the other snacks." Vernon says and Seungkawn rolls his eyes. "Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?" Seungkwan asked. "Is this about lunch? If so I truly am sorry, it was wrong of me to say that." Vernon said he didn't want Seungkwan to hate him.

  "Don't worry, I'll get over it, I just gotta be dramatic first." Seungkwan sassed. "How is it your group is known as the nicest and most responsible group here and yet you talk like this?" Vernon asked. "We are responsible, we do what the teachers want, we always do the homework and always give are all. I'm just a teeny bit sassy, but that's what you get when your from Jeju." Seungkwan smiled.

  "Oh btw, I'm Hansol Vernon Chwe." Vernon held his hand out. "I'm Boo Seungkwan, nice to meet you Hansol." Seungkwan smiled.

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