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   Trying to find the boys was like one big game of hide and seek. They found Wonwoo pretty easy seeing the Dk left him at the foot of the stairs.

  They found Seungcheol buried under the couch completely. "How did he get under here?" Joshua asked poking the older to make sure he wasn't dead.

They found Jun passed out on the dining room table. Dino also passed out, was lying next to him but on the floor.

Vernon and Seungkawn were the only ones who were in a normal sleeping position. They were cuddling on the couch together buried under blankets.

  "Hey I found Jeonghan!" Jisoo yelled opening a door to the garage. The pink haired was out cold on the garage steps hugging a large water jug like a teddy bear.

"How did he even get out the door?" Dk said as they both carried Jeonghan over to the couch and dumped him next to his boyfriend.

The8 was asleep in the closet. And Mingyu was hard to find as they searched for 10 minutes only to find him behind the TV.

Woozi and Hoshi were the last 2 the couple found. The 2 were passed out in the bathroom together, both clutching onto the toilet.

"Let me guess, they both puked their guts out." Joshua wrinkled his nose up in disgust. "Your on your own for that." He patted Dk's shoulder as he walked away.

"WAIT YOUR GONNA LEAVE ME WITH THEM?!" Dk cried out and Joshua nodded. "Your house babe!" Joshua blew a kiss before he went to wake up the others.

Joshua's first priority was waking up Mingyu because they all needed some hangover soup, ASAP.

But the only problem was the taller was in such a Daze he couldn't stand or from proper sentences.

So Joshua took the challenge of making the soup while trying to translate Mingyu's incoherent words into a recipe. And finally finished making the soup.

"I still find it weird that they all fell asleep down here!" Dk said pulling on a pair of yellow gloves and a mask. It wasn't needed but just in case.

"Have you seen your stairs?! Half of us can't even walk up those stairs sober!" Joshua pointed to Dk's winding staircase.

"And why are you wearing these? It's not like you acutally cleaning up vomit. Your just picking them up and carrying them out to the living room." Joshua asked.

"As Scar from the lion king said; BE PREPARED!!!!" Dk yelled as Joshua immediately slapped a hand over his mouth.

"That'll be enough lion king songs for right now. Just hurry up, soups gonna get cold." Joshua placed a kiss on Dk's forehead as he went back to the kitchen.

"We are gonna be the perfect married couple!" Dk cheers as he wipes his fake tears, not thinking Joshua heard him.

"Get to it you dramatic lover boy!" Joshua yelled from the kitchen as Dk ran back to bathroom to get their 2 other friends.



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