Chapter 10

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I quickly looked away from Corey as Anthony demanded to know what was going on, so in a hushed voice I explained myself. Right when I was about to get to the part of my neighbor saving me Miranda stepped out the apartment door, all the color seemed to be flushed out of her face. I knew what she was going to say before she even said it.

"It's positive."

"What's positive?" Corey asked finally speaking up.

"I'm pregnant." She says in a dead voice.

"With that asshole's kid?" Anthony questioned.

She nodded as her eyes began to glisten.

"Just get an abortion." Anthony suggests like it's nothing.

Corey and I just stare at him in shock while Miranda shakes her head fiercely, "This isn't the baby's fault. I can't hurt them."

"But this prick is going to be tied to you forever! Do you really want to deal with that?"

The tears in her hazel eyes began to slip out and I was quick to get to my feet to wrap my arms around her while I snapped at my brother, "Shut up, do you think she isn't aware of that?"

"I'm just trying to be reasonable here."

"Well clearly your reasoning isn't making much sense to anybody else right now."  

"Then what do you suggest we do Ashley?"

"This isn't up to me, this is her decision." I reply as I nod in Miranda's direction.

She hung her head slightly as she let out a small sigh murmuring, "I'd like to keep the baby."

"That's it then, she's keeping the kid." I state in a firm tone, daring him to argue with me as I gave him a cold glare.

He shook his head but thankfully decided to change the topic slightly as he asked Miranda, "So does he have any clue that you're pregnant?"

"No, I figured he would be upset so I kept it to myself."

"Well that's good news, but even if that's the case you two can't stay here if he's willing to hurt you both because he'll come back."

She gave Anthony a confused look, "What do you suggest we do then? All of our friends don't live anywhere near our campus and exams are coming up so we can't just miss our classes."

He sighed, but before he could speak Corey butted in, "You girls can just stay with me until this all boils over."

I felt white hot anger take over my mind, irrational and uncontrollable. Much like any other emotion he makes me feel, it's like I couldn't contain it if I tried. Just the thought of being in the same room or let alone place as him made my stomach roll after what happened earlier today. I hated Corey right in that moment and good god sometimes I wish I could make that feeling stay.

So the words that slipped out of my mouth only hinted at the rage inside me, "There's no way in hell."

He turned his attention to me with a puzzled expression, but when I looked into his eyes I knew that he was covering for himself. He knew exactly what I had meant.

"I don't think you have that many other options Ash. You want to keep your friend and her baby safe don't you?"

My jaw clenched, he wasn't going to make this easy for me was he?  I sighed, "Yes, of course I do."

He nodded, "You're staying with me then."

I rolled my eyes before speaking to Miranda, "I'll be inside getting our things if you need me."

I let go of Miranda and stormed in the apartment. I couldn't believe him! He's treating me like I'm behaving like a child about this! How the hell am I supposed to not hate the idea of even being around him after that kissing incident! I let out a deep breath of exasperation, trying to calm my internal ranting. I went to my room to search the closet for a bag to put my things in. 

This was almost like I was moving back in with him again and the idea of it sickened me. Just imagining him and Sarah planning out their wedding and being all loving to each other made my stomach roll and chest ache. I was certainly not ready for this. I wasn't ready to watch the man I love be with someone else. I'll just have to make sure not to be around them if I want to save my heart from being torn up any further.

I guess they all decided to come inside because I could hear Corey's deep voice just down the hall, discussing what should be done about Patrick. It was either get him arrested or put so much fear in him that he won't even consider coming near me or Miranda again. I shook my head at the latter, Corey still likes to think he's the toughest guy in Iowa doesn't he? I folded up a few more of my shirts, stuffing them in my blue duffle bag when I hear a soft tapping at my door. 

I look up to see Miranda step in the room and its quiet for a moment before she asks, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. He didn't punch me that hard."

"What about this how thing about staying with Corey? I know you are not alright with that."

I shrugged, "This isn't about me. I will just have to deal with it, it's not like this is a permanent thing."

"But Ash what about being around Sarah..."

"Miry stop." I cut her off holding up my hand, "This is about us and the baby being safe, not my stupid pointless feelings. I'll live."

She only nodding, getting quiet again and I couldn't help feeling guilty over it. So I questioned, "You want some help getting your things together?"

She gave me a light smile, "Sure."

I nodded and got to my feet, following her to her bedroom. As we got together her things my mind raced through all the possibilities that staying with Corey and Sarah could bring about and I hated all of them. I couldn't stop myself from hoping and wishing that this ordeal will have a quick ending, but things tend to never work out that way for me, do they?  

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