Chapter 13

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I was truly sick of my emotions at this point. I don't get why my stupid crush hadn't decided to die off once and for all. Well in reality I'm not that for from that time period since I'm only twenty. I just can't stand my current situation, this has nearly been a five year thing. In all that time I should have moved on from Corey since he had always been with Sarah. Ever since I met him they were together and probably were long before I and my brother were in the state of Iowa.

I finally made it to the nearest bus stop and sat down to wait while these millions of things rushed through my head. Unfortunately Corey was a part of those things. I wondered if he had noticed that I left yet, but I doubt it. I pondered on exactly when I'd stop thinking about him so much. When would I quit letting him consume so much of me? Or if it would ever stop.

I watched the sun lower into the horizon as I began to question just what I was doing, but before I could come up with a solid conclusion a bus pulled up in front of me. As the doors opened I got to my feet and climbed on, quickly paying the driver before I really had time to think this through.

I sat in a seat near the back and watched the scenery pass by and not long before I knew it the bus driver called out, "Last stop, Waterloo."

My heart leapt into my throat at those words, Corey had told me about this place and how dangerous it was. Why hadn't I just gotten off sooner? Seeing as I had no other choice I slowly moved up from my seat and stepped off the bus into the sketchy looking surroundings. It was dark out now and the nearby street lamps only gave off flickering bits of light in the deserted area. My heart sank as I realized it would at least be an hour or more before another bus showed up. I nearly yelped when I heard a dog begin barking loudly in the distance and I tried my best not to start panicking over my thoughts of what could be in the shadows.

I quickly fished out my cellphone from my jeans pocket, hurrying to call Miranda. At least I wouldn't be totally alone that way. After several rings I began to fret that she wasn't going to pick up at all and I would have to tough this out completely alone.

Thankfully that wasn't the case, because a second later I heard, "Ashley, where are you? I saw that your car was still outside, so where the hell are you?"

"I took a bus out of town and I accidently ended up in Waterloo."

"How the hell do you accidently end up in Waterloo?" She cried with the sounds of worry and disbelief in her voice and I could have sworn I heard the muffled sound of a male in the background.

I sighed heavily, "I don't know, I just wasn't paying attention and now I'm stuck out here."

"Corey said he's going to come get you."

"What? How the hell does he think he's going to be able to find me? I have no clue where I'm at! It could take hours!"

"Ash, calm down. You know he knows that part of Iowa very well. You just got to trust him. He just left, okay? Just stay on here with me until he gets there."

"Alright." I say attempting to slow my now racing pulse. "So did Sarah go with him or is she still there with you?"

"Um, she left about ten minutes after I went into the bathroom. There was no way to miss that door slam. I think half the complex must have heard it."

"Why was she still mad at him? When I went to leave it sounded like they might have been on the verge of making up."

"I'm not sure, I was too busy trying to block them out. Sorry Ash."

I shook my head, but I understood. "It's fine, but wait doesn't that mean you're by yourself?"

"Yeah." She tells me in a casual tone, but I could still detect a slight hint of fear.

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