[un] surprise

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*enters* hiii! surprise! am i lateee?

*surprised* darllll?

welcome, mademoiselle jamie. or should i call you, madame jerome?

*laughed* just jamie is fine. really.

am i the one who didn't know what is going on right now? babe, why are you here?

guess what? i'm the surprise guest for tonight, wonwoo

ahhh, so we're gonna do the interview together?

hahah. gotcha. *whispers in big voice* i succeeded in tricking him. i said i was going to attend my friend's birthday party. but now, i'm in "nice weather, nice" studio!

*laugh and clap*

yes! you got our point! since today is valentine's day... that's why we brought your spouse! you are here together to answer the Qs as a newly weds, as a husband and wife. today is all about loooove~

oh. this is gonna be fun.

indeed. let's back to our last topic, question number one. how do you guys met?

oohh. this is gonna be a long one.

yes! it's all start with ashley's tattoo parlour. not an endorsement though. eh- can i mention a brand here? will it be beeped out?

sure, you may. chill, jamie.

i remember it clearly and not-so fun fact, that's the reason behind our twins eyebrow piercing!

ah yeah, i just realized about that one. backthen the infamous twins eyebrow piece is literally written in all your dating gossip news! is there any meaning behind those cute piercing?


no. i pierced my eyebrow because my sister ---accidentally, of course, teared my earring off my right ear.

ouch!!! it seems very hurt!

*nodded* and it gave me somekind of trauma if i may say HAHAH so i didn't wear earrings eversince that incident. but i do like "the art of piercing" so...yeah. decided to pierce my eyebrow instead.

i see. how about jerome's?

he pierced his- because loooong time ago, he had an accident when he was practicing for a race

to conceal the scar, i decided to pierce it

and from there, our story begins

*leaned towards jamie and smiled*

*loud uwu scream*

if we tell you the story, you guys might not believe us. because me, myself still doesn't believe it either. too odd and surreal

hm. interesting!! tell us, tell us. we have all day long for your love story!!


not-an-author's note:
sebenarnya sekarang ini, term mademoiselle sudah tidak dipakai lagi tapi kedengarannya cute yet classy jadi aku pakai disini.

fyi, chapter selanjutnya bakal berbahasa indonesia :-)

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