[neuf] after

28 9 0

whatta unique and lovely wedding concept. we stan and ship!!!

[jerome & jamie]
*laughed hard*

ol'right. the clock is ticking, our time is running out. please give us a short answer to close today's recording. after this ended, what these lovey dovey couple gonna do when they are home already?

we just bought one pint of baskin robin, yeah, babe?

huum. wanna netflix and chill while eating somethin' chilly?

yes, scoop the spoon straight to the container.

mkay. i'll prepare our pjs and you choose the movie.

fixed. tonight is chilly robin time.

sounds so good and sweet aye!!!!

[jerome & jamie]
*nod and smile*

it's sad that we must say good bye.....

it is our pleasure to be invited to "nice weather, nice"!

it is OUR pleasure to be visited by the great champ number eighteen with his lovely lady. thankyou for jamming with us, jamie!


today's episode with jerome wonwoo, ferrouge team racer ends here. thankyou for your time! stay tune for next week's special guest! i, jimmy seungkwan, take leave!

[jerome & jamie]
*wave their hands to camera*

au revoir! have a good day, nice!


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