He Just Comes To Visit Me When I'm Dreaming Every Now And Then (lashton/cashton)

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Just something brief to reflect my emptiness today.
Calum wanted to feel bad.

He wondered if he should.

They'd lost Luke like that, lost him in a brief moment that stretched an eternity.

Ashton was meant to be the most broken, his love, his Luke, had died, but the boy was calm, moving like a steady current.

He pretended he was ok, pretended he didn't crumble to sleep the way Calum knew he did, carrying on without trouble, although there was a bitter edge to his words.

Calum wanted to break Ashton's composure, some sick side of him wanted Ashton to cry, wanted Ashton to shatter to a million pieces.

He wanted to hold him.

To shush him to sleep.

Eventually it did happen, but it wasn't Calum who did it.

Michael simply said Luke's name, and just like that, 4 letters brought Ashton to the edge, driving him to tears.

Tears that completely glazed his eyes over, flushing his cheeks pink till all Calum could see was salt on Ashton's face.

Ashton came over that night, not wanting to stay at his and Luke's place.

"I-I-it smells like L-lu, e-everywhere"

So Calum rubbed Ashton's back and let him cry into his sweater.

Luke visited Calum that night.

He sat silently at the foot of his bed, and fuck, he was the most beautiful angel Calum had ever seen.

It wasn't peculiar at all.

Those ocean eyes glimmered with something soft and lonely, the blonde tufts of hair a delicate halo gracing his pale face.

"I miss Ashton"

Calum glanced away, because he knew Ashton missed Luke too.

He tried telling Ashton, but Ashton was a mess.

More so than he'd ever been.

Moments would be spent curling his body against Calums, or late nights would be spent with Luke's grave.

Ashton wasn't ready to move on.

Calum didn't know how it ended up happening, but it was another late night with the tv buzzing in the background, and discarded snacks on the table.

Calum had kissed Ashton first.

Ashton kissed back, but Calum initiated the moment, pulling back to see Luke at the foot of his bed again.

Perhaps it was valid for Luke to be scowling at him, but even then, he was the most perfect angel Calum had ever seen.

Of course he'd never seen any others.

He was just a ghost, but the most gorgeous.

No wonder Ashton loved him.

The next time they kissed wasn't long after, but that time it had been Ashton starting it.

It was soft at first, so delicate Calum wasn't even sure it was a kiss.

But it ended with them against the wall, mouths together for far too long to call it an accident.

Luke visited Calum again that night.

"It's ok I suppose"

Calum had only watched him silently, the awful yellow lights of his room somehow still making Luke glow.

He was the moon in the night sky, while the rest of the world was fading stars.

"It's ok, if...Ashton loves you now. I'd rather you than anyone. Cause he deserves a lot more than he gets..."

It was a long moment spent with Calum watching the ghost in his room talk to gently about Ashton, so lovingly as if he were a glass doll and the slightest raise of his voice would shatter him.

Luke stopped visiting after that.

It felt like forever, when it had been immensely shorter.

Luke was really gone.

When Luke finally visited again, he woke Calum in the dark hours of the night, the slightest waver in his composure.

"Take care of Ashton"

Perhaps it had been the edge of the ghosts words, or the red lines on Luke's pale wrists that hadn't ever been there before, but Calum felt his feet lifting off the edge of the bed.

When he got to Ashton, it could've been too late.


Crimson red blood painted the walls and Ashton's skin, the tiles splattered in a way that sent a chill to the depths of Calums bones.

He'd cradled Ashton in his arms and placed him in the passenger seat, propping his neck against the window, ignoring the blood coating the glass.

Ashton was crying, but the pain in his hazel irises was not from the cuts and wounds, and Calum could tell that much on his own.

"He doesn't come visit me"

Choked sobs left Ashton's mouth, the same words like a prayer on his lips.

"Luke doesn't talk to me, o-or come to see me"


"I thought he loved me Cal"

Ashton's voice had reduced to a hoarse crack, and as he bled out onto the seat of Calums car, the world began blurring.

"Ash, stay with me"

"But-h-how di-did you-you know to c-come?"

As Calums answer graced his lips, an angel stood on the empty road.

The most beautiful angel yet.

"Luke told me to"

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